DWQA Questions › Tag: divine partnershipFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesThe U.S. was rocked by 500 tornadoes in a one-month period recently. In the past seven decades, only 2003, 2004, 2008 and 2011 have faced that many tornado reports in a 30-day period according to Bill Bunting, chief of forecast operations at the center in Norman, Oklahoma. The center got calls on 12 days of eight or more tornadoes, a preliminary record that will take months to confirm. Although there have been some fatalities and over a hundred injuries, there seems to have been a lower human toll than the massive series of storms might have caused. Was there a significant divine intervention to lower casualties?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer353 views0 answers0 votesHow can we best help our client with her panic attacks?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Spirit Meddlers399 views0 answers0 votesOur client has felt no change following our Lightworker Healing Protocol session. Will any additional Protocol session be of help for her, and how helpful would it be in accelerating resolution of symptoms to do some work with subconscious channeling and trauma resolution? How many sessions might this take to see a change?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Healing Modalities410 views0 answers0 votesHow effective are The Body Code and The Emotion Code, developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson compared to Holographic Memory Resolution coupled with DNA ThetaHealing, or the Lightworker Healing Protocol?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Healing Modalities545 views0 answers0 votesYou have told us the divine realm can correct for harmful things in food and beverages as well as supply missing nutrients because there is often inadequate diet due to bad advice, as well as the decline in nutritional value of foodstuffs over the years. By the same token, can the divine realm correct for overabundance of high caloric foods and undo its negative health effects, like excess weight gain, as this is often due, similarly, to bad nutritional advice and excessive use of sugar by food manufacturers through corruption?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol426 views0 answers0 votesIs my client truly infected with parasites, as she believes? If so, what is the reason, and will a session with the Lightworker Healing Protocol clear it completely?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Karma364 views0 answers0 votesHow can someone desiring a fulfilling love relationship, use the Lightworker Healing Protocol to remove the barriers for themselves or others they may be involved with?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol353 views0 answers0 votesBecause of the declining nutritional value of foods today, and the prevalence of bad nutritional advice, can we request in our daily prayers to have nutritional gaps filled in for us by the divine realm? If so, what would be effective wording to add to a meal prayer?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol354 views0 answers0 votesWould a request to have nutritional deficits compensated for on an ongoing basis, and their past consequences healed, be a worthwhile addition to the Lightworker Healing Protocol? If so, is this best added as a line item in the Soul Matrix Healing requests, or put somewhere else in the Protocol?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol312 views0 answers0 votesWhat is happening with my client’s newborn grandson to cause his lung problems? Will this heal successfully? Is there anything more we can do to help?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Karma407 views0 answers0 votesIs there truly such a thing as “soulmates” where there is a Divine bond between two souls preceding simple karmic entanglements? In some circles, there is a notion of “essence twin” or “twin flame” – denoting a particularly potent form of divine love bond that overshadows almost everything. It is said these kinds of relationships are rarely consummated because they are too distracting and too intense. Is there any truth to this?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Karma548 views0 answers0 votesWe know of the “alien love bite” and that the Extraterrestrial Alliance has the means to arouse intense feelings in two people, where they automatically see each other as “soulmates,” even when incompatible in almost every other sense. How can one see through the fog of intense emotion and determine that a love interest is truly “Divine” in origin versus an interloper orchestration for dark purposes?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control546 views0 answers0 votesHow can prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol prevent or heal the damage from interference resulting from an “alien love bite?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control405 views0 answers0 votesCan one who is stuck in a karmic relationship, use healing to not only help resolve and improve the current relationship but create better future conditions for romantic fulfillment in future lifetimes as a kind of gift to their future selves?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Karma365 views0 answers0 votesIn Creator’s view, what is the optimum age for marriage and having children?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Divine Guidance485 views0 answers0 votes