DWQA QuestionsTag: divine partnership
A practitioner writes: “I was doing my Lightworker Healing Protocol work a couple days ago and a thought came to me that I think may be inspired. To set the stage for this: In the Constantine channeling, Constantine said that his Reptilian replacement was influenced to take up Christianity because of a dream and a vision that he had prior to a certain battle. The question about the dream and vision before the battle was asked by Denny. Constantine said this was divine intervention to bring this about and although the Reptilian took up Christianity cynically to use it for undivine purposes, nevertheless, divine realm used this to keep the teachings by Jesus of a loving Creator and the power of divine love alive and strong even ‘til today. I, and a few LHP practitioner friends have been adding a prayer to our requests we refer to as the “Dreamworks Prayer” that is very specific but not too specific (in the same manner as the LHP) in requesting divine realm to create dreams and visions for all humans and perpetrators to aid in the success of the divine human project. I pray this prayer right before my LHP and have been for months now. We have wondered whether dreams or visions could have an impact on the extraterrestrials and possibly even fallen angels, so it caught my attention when Constantine related this story about his Reptilian replacement. And we have also been learning about retrocausal healing and the looping back of time. So when I did my LHP a couple days ago I got the thought and strong feeling that our requests for these dreams and visions may actually have been part of the human requests needed for the divine intervention bringing this dream and vision to Constantine that was recorded in history. It seems so amazing, but could you ask Creator if this is true? Perhaps Denny’s question was even arranged by divine realm. I think we might all be encouraged if we knew the answer.”
ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • 
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A practitioner writes: “Upon reading the Lightworker Healing Protocol, whenever I came across mention of the ThetaHealing material I fell a great pull towards it. I took this to mean that I needed that training to abolish some limiting beliefs before really getting into this material. So I took the first course in ThetaHealing. The technique was similar to meditation techniques I had been using but a lot more information added on top of it. It felt quite natural and intuitive except when I had a few moments that felt out of place. Once you connect with Creator, you use directed prayer to address whichever issue at hand. This leads you to often say ‘Creator of All That Is,…’ However, I found a few moments where the title ‘commander’ replaced my inner thoughts of Creator. The first time it happened I laughed. It struck me as odd and felt kind of ‘forceful’ like that word was squeezed into my thoughts without my will. Then it happened a few other times, each time I followed with laughter and redirected my thoughts back to what I intended it to be. I didn’t think much of it until I was watching a Q&A with Karl where he talks about an email and states that he finds certain people often referring to themselves as ‘commander.’ This made me wonder and question if while I thought I was in the 7th plane discussing with Creator if I was in fact communicating with some other being. I have always found it easy and innate to be connected with Creator as I easily go into theta through meditation and have spent many years feeling the presence of God within when I am intentionally connecting. For me, it feels like a gentle but powerful surge of electricity or energy coursing through my body. This is an easy connection that I do often throughout the day but now I am not completely confident about my connection being with God when I am, where I am learning is the 7th plane of existence.”
ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • 
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