DWQA Questions › Tag: divine partnershipFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesGiven the simultaneity of our multiple parallel lives, all trauma is essentially current and ongoing. Strength helps us to weather the storm, rather than wishing for its termination. But clearly, life presents circumstances where the individual just KNOWS that trouble cannot be completely avoided, even with prayer, and so strength rather than deliverance is prayed for. Yet with what we’ve learned about prayer, it would seem to be the better strategy to pray for BOTH strength AND deliverance. Can Creator comment?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Healing349 views0 answers0 votesWisdom is another commodity widely prayed for. Is this something the divine can impart directly, or does the divine favor a more experiential acquisition and use the prayer intentions to guide the soul to opportunities to learn the needed lessons directly? If both occur, when is the direct imparting of wisdom more likely to be utilized, and is such a direct upgrade temporary or permanent?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Healing370 views0 answers0 votesCan Creator share how prayer work and the Lightworker Healing Protocol can help us heal trauma, as well as help us acquire the wisdom needed to cope with potentially traumatic circumstances successfully?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Healing828 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “Source Creator, my client at the age of 12 years old began to use drugs, and at the age of 15 was interned in a rehabilitation center for 6 weeks due to overdoses. There were two attempts on his life by serving him a floripondio tea along with a death curse. The first attempt took place when he was 16 years old, and the second attempt took place a year later when he almost died. As a result of being poisoned, he suffered from cerebral damage; he became very chaotic, and he lost his reason. Whenever he doesn’t have marijuana available to him, he becomes very nervous and desperate. He has many nightmares and sometimes he wakes up very altered. He suffered from intense crises 4 to 5 days a week whereby he became very aggressive, violent, and he screamed a lot. His mother describes him as very desperate, insecure, impatient, anguished, anxious, and obsessive. Since I have done 7 sessions on him 7 months ago, he became more conscious, and he regained his mental clarity. His crises were reduced by 70%, and are less intense and shorter in duration. Can you share with us the karmic underpinning behind the attempts on his life, and whether or not the Lightworker Healing Protocol sessions saved him? How is he progressing with his healing, and will it be a good idea to offer his parents to hire your Holographic Memory Resolution and subconscious channeling services?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • High Level Psychic Attacks, Curses366 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “If we have made our way to discover GetWisdom.com and are participating in the Lightworker Healing Protocol, is it safe to say that we are not heavily manipulated by the extraterrestrials, or can we still be under some sort of mind control while engaging with GetWisdom.com contents?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol406 views0 answers0 votesA father asks: “We did book a therapy session with a renowned psychiatrist who deals with children. Does Creator think it will be productive to see this person for my daughter and our family to also help her deal with a lot of her underlying problems even after you clear her trauma?” What can we tell him?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Divine Guidance313 views0 answers0 votesA woman asks about her daughter: “She is struggling with severe OCD, social anxiety, depression, and some suicidal ideation. She is bright, funny, and extremely talented in her work. But intrusive negative thoughts and many rituals have now overwhelmed her life. We have a team of experts working with her and I’m sure they will eventually help her in her recovery, but I do wonder if there is more to it. In other words, some negative karmic influences impacting her that need to be cleared so that she can heal and be repaired for years to come.” How can we help her?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Spirit Meddlers334 views0 answers0 votesA client asks: “My partner was admitted recently to our local teaching hospital for a few days with a critically low sodium level, and also changes in depressed mood, affect, memory, agitation, attention, etc. However, many of these changes were present before his sodium tanked (and we assumed these behavior changes had been due to his temporal lobe epilepsy). When his sodium was brought up (slowly, to not cause brain damage), they did a 24-hour video EEG to monitor for the epilepsy he was diagnosed with last fall (and that you did a session of deep subconscious channeling with trauma resolution for about two months ago.) Although he had several of these emotional ‘episodes’ while on the EEG, they said he did not have ANY epileptiform activity in the whole 24 hours! While he’s been on super-high doses of anti-epilepsy drugs, they said that if he was actually having seizures, they would still be able to see the seizures on the EEG as “background” epileptiform activity, and there wasn’t even any of that. Did the session you carried out two months ago correct the epilepsy?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Subconscious Channeling275 views0 answers0 votesShe asks further: “Now, the doctors are trying to come up with explanations for the behavioral stuff, much of which has been going on quite a long time but has worsened recently (which could also be caused by the high dose Keppra he’s on but is now tapering off of without any sign of epilepsy), and they DO see some signs of ‘microvascular changes’ on his brain MRI so they’re wondering if this is normal aging or a dementia process. He’s been having serious memory lapses for many years and also some out-of-nowhere paranoia, agitation, and rage, for a really long time, at least 6.5 years that I can identify, and I’m often the target of that rage. One example, in 2016, we were flying home from a trip, and he was sitting several rows behind my daughter and me. When we got home, he wouldn’t even speak to me, because he was *convinced* I was going to have an affair with the (very inebriated) guy I’d been sitting next to on the plane. He seethed at me for the next 36 hours, and even woke me up in the middle of the next night to scream at me about said affair. This, or incidents like this, have only happened maybe 12-15 times in the last 6.5 years, but they’re scary, and very (emotionally) destructive, and NOT reflective of the heart that I know him to have. These episodes have increased recently, and a couple of weeks ago, prior to hospitalization, he stalked me and was unable to be de escalated for nearly 8 hours, even with our mutual friend who’s an LCSW, present. That night, I was physically scared of my 6’3″ partner. These things make it seem like it COULD be a potential dementia process, and if so, we would really like you to work on them and also, the potential betrayal trauma that seems to be terrifying and enraging him. I talked to him about this last night, and he would like to hear the channeling.” Are these episodes a consequence of dementia?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Subconscious Channeling278 views0 answers0 votesWould it be more productive for this client to work on the issue of dementia, or the issue of feeling betrayed in doing a deep subconscious channeling with trauma resolution?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Subconscious Channeling242 views0 answers0 votesWould it be safe and helpful for him to hear a recording of the channeling session, or too upsetting?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Subconscious Channeling302 views0 answers0 votesMy client just had knee surgery and keeps having health issues. Will things continue to improve following his Lightworker Healing Protocol session, or is something more needed?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Subconscious Channeling261 views0 answers0 votesA client writes: “My son has mood swings (more than the normal person) and what seem like delusions of grandeur. He also has a history of serious drug problems but is currently on mushrooms. He is overweight, on meds and psychiatric care, seems addicted to spirituality, and seems cursed because there’s always something getting in his way.” What is causing these problems and what will help? Is he targeted?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control277 views0 answers0 votesA client asks: “During this six-day period I have had several severe tachycardia attacks that came out of nowhere that all began with a real panic type of anxiety that I was not safe, coupled with a terrible smell of sulfur (smells like rotten eggs) that comes from nowhere. Today this happened again and as I went to try find the source of the smell, I caught a glimpse of a black figure in my doorway to my bedroom quickly dart away and vanish. I immediately called on Archangel Michael to remove all unseen negative influences and I ask him every day to watch over me during my morning prayer to Source Creator. I burnt some white sage to clean the air and then immediately my place was circled by military helicopters several times. My gut intuition is telling me that I am being harassed and attacked by something demonic, possibly a Reptilian, hence the helicopter activity indicating craft above at the time, which has happened before numerous times. I feel it has been siphoning my life force while I’m asleep, which is why I awake with severe tachycardia and anxiety episodes when I’m completely calm and in a deep sleep.” Were these perceptions real, and what caused them?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control337 views0 answers0 votesThe client asks: “It’s only now that I have been able to see the link between my opioid medication, which is an addiction, that is keeping me trapped in the situation of being targeted. Previously, when this bad smell has appeared and the anxiety starts I have fallen very ill, like my life force has been drained but it’s only now I see the connection clearly. I have tried to come off my opioid painkillers multiple times and have ended up being sick for months on end when it’s only supposed to be a week, tops. I have taken note on the GetWisdom webinar regarding targeted individuals that speaks about how opioids are used to control targeted individuals. Anyway, I have started yet another reduction plan to come off my painkillers, but it seems every time I get close to coming off them the attacks start to get much worse.” Why is he having such trouble with his addiction?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control316 views0 answers0 votes