DWQA Questions › Tag: divine inspirationFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesSo if we were to assume that each human is typically and primarily one of those roles, that would narrow the expected behavior of such a person substantially. So while it would certainly not be impossible for a helper type to become President of the United States, you wouldn’t expect it. Nor would you expect an orator type to pursue mechanical engineering as an occupation. If they did, you would likely find them becoming the editor of an engineering periodical, rather than burying themselves all day in blueprints. So while these primary attributes don’t create HARD boundaries that prevent individuals from doing anything they want, they do, in fact, help mold and define those very WANTS to begin with. What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Human Potential112 views0 answers0 votesThis is a mere introduction to the topic of soul attributes, and we will explore soul attribute expressions in a future episode. Can Creator tell us how Empowered Prayer, the Lightworker Healing Protocol, and Deep Subconscious Memory Reset Protocol along with Divine Life Support are the means by which Soul Attribute problems and negative issues of all kinds are best resolved?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Human Potential113 views0 answers0 votesIs there truth to the speculation that problems blamed on viruses are not really due to viruses at all, but some other kind of alien technology?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Extraterrestrial Interlopers180 views0 answers0 votesA viewer writes: “This is a video showing that no one has EVER proved the existence of ANY virus. There are many MDs who are having the same doubts. I believe that the ETs are poisoning us with something, but it is not viruses. https://drsambailey.com/resources/videos/viruses-unplugged/no-virus-is-international/.” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control157 views0 answers0 votesA viewer says: “If no one has EVER proved the existence of ANY virus, consequently, there are no vaccines for “viruses” that can be beneficial. I believe that all vaccines are sinister inventions, possibly inadvertent, but nonetheless sinister.” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control156 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “I was playing paddle this morning. I forgot to say my prayers but try to every morning. Paddle is very intense because the ball is very hard. I always am concerned about being hit in the face and typically pray for protection when playing. The ball was driven to me this morning and ricocheted off my paddle into my right eye. Fortunately my eye is ok. Just a black eye. I thought later how much worse it could have been and wondered if I was being protected despite the injury. Just curious. Maybe it was just luck. Maybe something else.” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Prayer146 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “Why is my daughter-in-law still struggling with pancreatitis?”ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Extraterrestrial Interlopers149 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “Analytical psychotherapist Carl Jung believed in inherited unconscious knowledge and experiences across generations, expressed through universal symbols and archetypes such as gods like Mars (god of war), Venus (goddess of love), Prometheus (rebelliousness) and so on. Earlier civilizations such as the Roman Empire took the existence of such gods literally and assumed they were responsible for day-to-day events. How should we now understand this idea? Are gods in fact dynamic psychic energies that have an existence that can be personified and communicated with, to better understand, for example, diseases and illness? In what ways is this a useable idea in modern times?”ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Non-Local Consciousness165 views0 answers0 votesWhen prayers are answered, is it always done using the human intention of the person praying and others who have prayed? Is that what limits what the divine can do in answer to simple prayers, no matter how heartfelt and deserving the supplicant might be?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Prayer191 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “Is there some way our taking charge could embolden us in our personal prayer requests? Boldness seems to be the key. As you said, it’s a matter of who is taking what role in the divine partnership. Is it a difference between politely requesting versus commanding? If Creator says, ‘That is impossible,’ to a suggestion for a request to be added to the LHP, but then it turns out it can be overturned by human decree, what is the key that opens that lock? Is it simply assuming command? Recognizing we have the authority? Is that the whole thing?” What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Prayer182 views0 answers0 votesYou have told us about Jesus Christ: “An interesting fact few people know beyond your channel, is that Jesus Christ indeed had a higher self he spoke with all day long and that was Yours Truly—he was reaching God directly.” What are the deeper implications? Was he human, but given special high-level divine access? Or was he a more direct extension of Creator, so there was no need for a separate soul, and thus validating those who believe Jesus Christ is God, incarnate?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Divinely Inspired Messengers272 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “I find it odd sometimes that you do not speak about Jesus in your channelings, as He is God? Could you clarify this?” Who, exactly, is Jesus Christ? Is he God?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Divinely Inspired Messengers310 views0 answers0 votesMetabolic syndrome associated with insulin resistance, is characterized by 3 or more of the following issues: abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, elevated fasting glucose, triglyceride elevation, and/or low levels of high density lipoprotein. This leads to Type II diabetes and is a risk factor for heart disease. Is metabolic syndrome primarily a virus-caused set of problems, and if so, in what percentage of cases? Can this be reversed through divine healing requests?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Extraterrestrial Interlopers164 views0 answers0 votesAre some or all of my client’s vision problems due to chronic virus infection?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Extraterrestrial Interlopers140 views0 answers0 votesIs my client’s Type II diabetes virus-caused, perhaps localized in the pancreas? What can I do to best help her?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Extraterrestrial Interlopers155 views0 answers0 votes