DWQA Questions › Tag: divine healingFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesWe are simply trying to get at an estimate of how many Protocol sessions for target clients can be completed during a 24-hour period, assuming they are requested by a practitioner capable of supporting 30 clients per session?ClosedNicola asked 6 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol419 views0 answers0 votesAnother way of asking about rates of healing and capacity that would help us understand what is possible to do in a practical period of time, is to know how long would it take to have the divine realm do a Lightworker Healing Protocol session on each human being on the planet, if a request for this to be done in increments was launched by a single practitioner capable of supporting a 30-client session?ClosedNicola asked 6 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol464 views0 answers0 votesCould a Lightworker Healing Protocol session be done every other day for so many people at once?ClosedNicola asked 6 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol498 views0 answers0 votesCan a request be included in the Lightworker Healing Protocol to have the Protocol be implemented by the divine realm every other day, in perpetuity, through not only the present life but all future incarnations?ClosedNicola asked 6 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol556 views0 answers0 votesCan a request be included in the Lightworker Healing Protocol to have a session with the Protocol applied in parallel to all family members and friends automatically, each time the Protocol is implemented on an every-other-day basis? Can that also be done in perpetuity?ClosedNicola asked 6 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol477 views0 answers0 votesNow that we are adding a request to have all portals removed from a client’s energy, will a single request be effective to have this done on all prior clients, and for the task to be implemented repeatedly if necessary, until all clients have been upgraded?ClosedNicola asked 6 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol459 views0 answers0 votesCan a request be made in the Lightworker Healing Protocol to “Explore and heal current life and parallel life traumas and limiting beliefs underlying all of the negative karma needing to be repaid or rebalanced, through sessions performed every other day in perpetuity through the current life and future incarnations, pausing only when complete healing has been achieved and resuming when new karmic issues occur?” Will this achieve complete healing for a person eventually?ClosedNicola asked 6 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol449 views0 answers0 votesIs the following broad request appropriate and effective for targeting a large percentage of a person’s problems with the Lightworker Healing Protocol: “Explore and heal current life and parallel life traumas and limiting beliefs about the self and self-acceptance, about the ability to give and receive love, about the Divine in order to raise the belief quotient and remove blocks to receiving and bestowing divine healing, and all difficulties imparted by the external manipulations of perpetrators?”ClosedNicola asked 6 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol427 views0 answers0 votesMy client [name withheld] says: “The first 2 days after you did the last session, I felt a little better but got worse again after. Physically I am also not doing good, I’m holding on to a lot of fluids, I gained 8 lb in a couple of days, I eat mostly veggies and a little bit of meat. My holistic doctor tested that my kidneys were only working at 30% as well as the Adrenals. I feel very exhausted and weak. The doctor says my body doesn’t let go, I can’t get rid of my toxins for some reason. I have done so much to get healthy already for 4 years now, it’s so frustrating. Most things work only for one day. It’s a little less, but I am still very hurried and nervous. Have a lot of nightmares lately. Can you maybe ask why I am not getting better or why I can’t detox?”ClosedNicola asked 6 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol474 views0 answers0 votesWill repeated Protocol sessions, resulting from updating the Protocol to have it applied repeatedly, eventually heal autism? If so, how frequently should we request a session be done?ClosedNicola asked 6 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol455 views0 answers0 votesDo we need to request repeated Subconscious Channeling to work on their autism daily, in addition to the open-ended questions in the Protocol, to obtain the quickest and most complete healing?ClosedNicola asked 6 years ago • Subconscious Channeling475 views0 answers0 votesA student asks: “My daughter began to bleed copiously through the nose while I was doing the Lightworker Healing Protocol on her. Was this the removal of an Alien Implant?”ClosedNicola asked 6 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol531 views0 answers0 votesYou recently gave an admonition about not doing two things at once, like perhaps painting a wall, while carrying out a Lightworker Healing Protocol session for someone, because of the importance to have our focus and intention on maintaining the healing circuit with Creator and the client. Can you explain again a bit further about how a practitioner who falls asleep during a session while listening to the prerecorded Protocol prompts can still count on the full protocol benefit taking place despite this lapse of attention?ClosedNicola asked 6 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol507 views0 answers0 votesDid my client [name withheld] have his years of sleep paralysis and his need for medication end when I did my remote Protocol session because the divine healing truly worked? Why does he continue to be skeptical?ClosedNicola asked 6 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol508 views0 answers0 votesWe did a Lightworker Healing Protocol session on a client [name withheld] and recommended she have a subconscious channeling session. We just received an email filled with accounts of her distrust and anger towards God. Will it help to do the channeling before bringing up DNA ThetaHealing or is the latter what she truly needs at this point to open her up to divine healing by replacing negative God beliefs?ClosedNicola asked 6 years ago • Healing Modalities575 views0 answers0 votes