DWQA Questions › Category: PrayerFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesHow much did prayer factor into the resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis? Was the Extraterrestrial Alliance again utterly confounded by the outcome? How insecure do these changes of fortune make them feel about humans in general, and is the repeated failures a core component of their desire to be done with us once and for all?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer299 views0 answers0 votesThe element of surprise is a key determinant in any conflict. There is a saying “there are no atheists in foxholes.” When humans feel safe (like before Pearl Harbor) they pray less, and/or with less focus; but when feeling vulnerable (after Pearl Harbor), their prayer work is ramped up. Does this speak to the need to pray “like your life depended on it,” even when danger seems far away and unlikely?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer311 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “During a recent webinar, Creator said that it wasn’t being called on very much these days to assist humans. Then a question arose in my mind (felt like a divine tap on my shoulder), “Can’t we use our divine human leverage to request that more humans be divinely inspired and nudged to call on or partner with Creator/The Divine?” Can something be added to the Lightworker Healing Protocol to formally request that the divine realm actively nudge, on an ongoing basis, all humans who are the least bit open to such divine influence, to become more aware of, and actively partner with, the Divine? And what about adding all the prayers that Creator has given us, perhaps summarized by code words for each prayer, similar to the process used in Mega Prayers? Perhaps at least to increase each of our belief quotients?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer342 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “Can we request the added compounded accumulative healings and correcting beneficial effects from all the various times that the divine realm have done divine healings to any situation, problems, reasons, sources and root causes, person, being, location, etc? And to have the divine realm’s compounded vast healings, strengthening, support, problem-solving abilities, and corrections, etc., to be added to and piggybacked on with the already wonderful built-in Protocol of LHP practitioners requesting of all previous LHP practitioners to be also added for greater support, compounded healing, strengthening, etc?” What can we tell him?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer303 views0 answers0 votesA client who was diagnosed with stage four colon cancer, visited Wisconsin’s National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help, the only place in the U.S. recognized by the Catholic church as a site where the Virgin Mary appeared. The client’s tumors on her left lung disappeared. “We just knew when I walked out of the chapel that day that I was going to be cured,” she said. Was this a divine miracle, and did Mother Mary participate in bringing it about?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer376 views0 answers0 votesIn thinking about how some musical performances seem “larger than life” and truly extraordinary, while others much less so, to what extent is the listener’s perception being influenced by differing levels of divine love added by the divine realm for the listeners’ benefit, in proportion to the energy and divine alignment of the artist during the original performance?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer314 views0 answers0 votesA client writes: “Last Thursday I experienced a miracle, at least that is what I think of it, but not one I would like to have a repetition of. I had an accident and rolled and flipped and totaled my dear little car on a mountain road (one of my favorite drives!). The miracle is, that I walked away from it with just a few tiny cuts down one leg, probably from crawling out from under it. Luckily, I did not have the top down, otherwise I might have a different hairstyle right now. I experienced it all in sort of slow motion. My only confusion was how the heck am I going to get out of that car now. The windows were only slightly open, so I was looking for the clamps to open the top and fold the roof back to climb when I realized, well duh, I am actually now sitting on the roof! The novel idea of trying the door seems to have evaded my brain … But it is was quite a different perspective as the top was the bottom and the bottom the top! Luckily it was late afternoon so cars still came by (at night there is hardly any traffic on that road), and someone stopped right away to assist me. Fortunately, his brain was working, and he said, “Does the door not open?” Well it did and I was able to crawl out.” Why was I not injured at all, besides the few scrapes and one little spot on my left outer ankle which only with pressing on it did hurt slightly?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer308 views0 answers0 votesThe client further asks: “Why was I not shaken by the whole incident but instead totally collected and had no aftershock at all?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer361 views0 answers0 votesMy client continues: “In the evening while washing my hair, I found what I thought a small bump slightly over my left ear which was tender to the touch, but the next day I found the same ‘bump’ over my right ear and when pressing hard also could feel some tenderness. I am now wondering if that bump over my left ear was from the accident or if those are possibly acupressure points and actually may be related more to my neck and shoulder problems, we had addressed in the two healing sessions some time ago? What explains this?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer341 views0 answers0 votesMy client continues: “Is there some spot in my body which might have gotten some impact which I am not aware of at this time but might show at a later point? If so, what would be good to do now?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer325 views0 answers0 votesMy client continues: “Have my daily Lightworker Healing Protocol sessions and my prayer requests: ‘Source Creator, be my partner in life and work, each and every day to keep me safe from accidents and illness, safe spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally, guide, heal …’ prevented real harm to my body and mind? If so, I think it would be very nice for all the other LHP practitioners to know how this can benefit us!”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer352 views0 answers0 votesMy client continues: “Was I just “due” for a lesson or was it a test in any other way? What was the deeper meaning of this whole experience? Does it have something to do with the fact that I had been quite hard-headed and in a not so forgiving and empathetic state of mind to the current world issues cursing on the Internet, and my impatience with my friend in the conversation I had with him in the morning and the resentment I still feel lingering in me for his actions. Was I in need of an equanimity adjustment, or what else?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer373 views0 answers0 votesA client writes: “My wife had accelerated out of a traffic light on a high speed (50mph) 4 lane congested road with rush hour traffic and had accelerated up to 45mph when the car in front of her began stopping QUICKLY. She hit the brakes, AND THERE WERE NONE! There was an unknown brake fluid leak at the right front caliper, and the reservoir was empty. The pedal went to the floor, and there were NO BRAKES. She managed to swerve between two cars approaching a three to two lane reduction and then managed to swerve again into a right-hand turn lane to a movie theater – both swerves avoided a catastrophic collision. There was a car in front of her in the turn lane which she hit, but she was only going about 5 mph when the collision occurred. She put a nice dent in the minivan she struck, but virtually no damage to the vehicle she was driving. Firemen confirmed that there was a catastrophic brake fluid leak, and she was not cited by the police. She swears, she thinks the car was “miraculously” slowed. She doesn’t know how she maneuvered into the right turn lane successfully without hitting anyone on the way there. She’s certain there was an “angel” involved because she literally cannot conceive of another explanation for how even the car escaped undamaged. I have said multiple prayers that not only she and the girls be safe when in the vehicle, but that Creator ensure that the vehicle itself is protected from harm since we cannot afford a replacement right now.” What really happened here?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer302 views0 answers0 votesWhat caused the accident?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer367 views0 answers0 votesDid the Divine actually SLOW the vehicle? What was the likely result without divine intervention, and whose karma was involved here?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer359 views0 answers0 votes