DWQA Questions › Category: PrayerFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesA practitioner writes: “I’d like to share with you another version of the protection prayer which I wrote specifically for the AA recovery crowd—Source Creator, partner with me in my life each and every day to keep me safe, to guide, heal, support, and protect against all who oppose my will to be free from all addictions and negative influences. Help me resist the grip and temptation of self destructive substances and behavior and heal my emotional pain that has drawn me to them. Please assist me to maintain a long-lasting sobriety and restore my spiritual freedom and connection with you, while in full awareness of our partnership in all I do each and every day.” Will this be an effective prayer?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer374 views0 answers0 votesCan you give us a good prayer we can add to the list of recommended daily prayers requesting healing for the darkness/perpetrators/evildoers? We understand the general love prayer you gave us before is to help save humanity, but isn’t there value in also having a focused prayer for this purpose to help make the problem more visible?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer289 views0 answers0 votesA supporter writes: “I don’t fit here and I’m terribly isolated. Do I put all my GetWisdom adventures away in a little box labeled dreams and hunker down to rejoin the real world with a degree, or do I continue chasing the curious and sometimes astonishing and peculiar things I see and feel even though I can’t share about them and if I did, no one here would believe me anyway? I honestly considered what life would be like if I went back to school and left all this other stuff behind. Tonight, I walked outside and looked up at the sky. I said, “God? We need to talk. I need to know now. Do I give up? Do I continue with GetWisdom or is it best for me to put these things aside and get on with school? God, show me something – anything – let me know you’re listening … Show me you want me to stay the course. If I don’t see a sign, I’ll know to go in another direction, because I’m lost and unhappy. I’m not going to stand out here and wait – not tonight.” 5 seconds later, (maybe 10, but I’m being generous), a gorgeous meteor flashed ACROSS the sky – right to left. It was bright and loooong – not a quick flash. Was this a fluke?” What can we tell her?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer379 views0 answers0 votesOur MAP-involved client writes: “I just wanted to let you know what has happened since we spoke on Saturday. It turns out I will no longer have to make that trip. A family member was able to help me out so I don’t have to. I don’t know if the interlopers have changed their schedule with me or what, but this seems to be a very good sign or at least a big step in the right direction.” Was there any divine influence to change these events in favor of his safety?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer279 views0 answers0 votesA viewer writes: “The other day my new friend was distraught after her brother witnessed a cyclist die right in front of him, near his apartment and hers, around the corner, when a parked motorist opened their car door and the cyclist was hit and crashed into the pavement head first. The cyclist was not wearing a helmet. This tragedy has been the subject of a request on the Lightworker Healing Protocol forum. So two nights ago, she told me that the blood and other remnants of the accident were still on the street, so I called the city to ask them to arrange clean up and they agreed. The problem is she had the wrong street corner, a block away from what we had told the city. Well that night and the next day, late in the afternoon, we had extreme and unusually heavy downpours of rain, and the street was clean when I went to check it on the way to the dog park in the morning. It’s possible that the city figured things out and were proactive or wise, but I believe the rainstorms were divinely ordained, and a grace and small miracle of Creator. My friend feels that too. I’m not asking you to ask Creator, but if you think it’s a good story for the community, check it out.” Was this divine intervention or supposition on their part?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer301 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner writes: “Tonight, I took my pup outside for a pee break. He just wouldn’t stop barking, so I thought “maybe he has to pee?” As I stood outside, waiting, I mused to myself “well, I’m here – inside my body – safe enough for now – better get to it. God? The darkest, most EEE-VIL spirits – you know the ones, the really baaaaad ones … They need healing – it needs to happen – I’m here and I’m witnessing to you it needs to happen – I’m asking you to heal them – it’s time – yeah – yes.” Word for word that’s what I was thinking (’cause sometimes, I just talk to God – I don’t expect an answer, I just talk, like I’m talking to my best friend). Then I looked up (as I always do when I go outside at night). An unusually large and bright (like BRIGHT) comet appeared right above me (directly above me) and quickly zoomed to the right – and vanished. This one was brighter and larger or, should I say closer, then any I’ve seen before – and I am an avid skywatcher – I’ve seen hundreds and hundreds of meteors. Perhaps it was just a lucky coincidence – it probably was … But a little part of me would like to think it wasn’t. Either way, today was a most excellent day. I hope yours was too.” Was that a sign?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer293 views0 answers0 votesA viewer comments on the following previous channeling we did about his issue: “On my recent vacation, why did I get traveler’s diarrhea when I prayed for protection from it? And your channeled response was, “This is complicated to explain and has a number of factors involved. The bottom line we can share with you is that there was protection up to a point, but the strength of the request fell short enough to fail in preventing the consequence of a quite large level of contamination, and this ingestion of organisms was simply too powerful for the divine realm to turn aside. We can tell you that the consequences of the infection were lessened significantly than what would otherwise be the case and that was still a blessing despite failing to reach perfection in this request for safety and wellbeing.” I do not want to disrespect anyone but if “Creator” or “divine realm” can’t cope with a simple “traveler’s diarrhea” even though he had prayed before, how can our prayers and divine realm help “save” the world from huge hierarchy of fallen angels, extraterrestrials, the Cabal, etc? This is really Source Creator, the Almighty?” Can you answer this person and explain?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer337 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner writes: “I am writing to check in to see if you did in fact get a chance to ask Creator about the small chip-like object under the skin in the back of my son’s head (Perhaps you remember from last month’s LHP webinar?). Since I didn’t hear from you, I haven’t been worrying about it because I figured perhaps it was nothing. BUT last night I felt it there again and I am curious if it is something that needs extra attention in my prayer requests.” What can we tell her?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer320 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “How did the divine realm impulse the breeder to message me at the same hour of my layoff from my last substantial job (that a dog of the breed I wanted was available)? As you may recall, I had messaged her previously and never heard back.”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer291 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “Also, this was the last dog of his litter still available. Any details about how that was set up could be potentially interesting, as I nearly missed the chance to reconnect with the new incarnation of my former pet. There was nothing physically or behaviorally wrong with him and he’s a great dog!”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer328 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “Although I asked Creator to provide enhancements of skills and reasoning capacities to my deep subconscious’s functioning, to help it learn better how to get healing. I also asked the divine realm to coach my deep subconscious on how it could ask for those enhancements on its own. Actually, in doing that prayer, I was very heartfelt and impassioned about getting relief for the anxiety that was immobilizing me from doing some very important tasks. I supposed that my deep subconscious was causing this anxiety, and so I really wanted to find a way to get some help for it, so it could redirect its efforts away from trying to get my attention, to seeking help and healing from the divine realm. So in my prayer, which was fairly long and spoken free-form, I asked for a number of things, and one of them was something like this: I asked Creator to give a message to my deep subconscious, first to tell it that I love it very much; that when it tries to get my attention by causing anxiety, this is only making our problems worse; that instead, to please ask our higher self to allow more gifts and skills to be brought into it from our larger soul, to help it learn how to get more help with the problems it sees; and that this would make everything better for both of us. I also asked Creator and my higher self to give ongoing attention to my deep subconscious, to work very diligently toward teaching it and coaching it on how to ask for these skills and gifts from our larger soul, and also to continue guiding it on how it could ask for healing for any problems that might come up to bother it. Within about a day after that prayer, I had a major shift in my entire experience of my body. The serious anxiety was gone, and it hasn’t come back since then. So perhaps my higher self actually stepped in and began acting as an ongoing coach to my deep subconscious, in which case perhaps my higher self began serving as the actual source of the skills and gifts I asked to be brought into my deep subconscious from my larger soul. If so, that divine solution would be in line with a Creator channeling that is quoted in the first entry under a topic on the GetWisdom LHP Forum entitled, “Repair of Deep Subconscious Karmic Issues.” Also, I’m wondering whether the very intense amount of passion and time I used in making my prayer request had something to do with why I received such a remarkable benefit.” Can you help us understand what happened?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer336 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner writes: “Last Sunday, I stood in my kitchen waiting for the coffee to brew. I thought “this is a good time to launch a prayer”, so I said the virus prayer. Afterwards I was compelled to look within my mind’s eye and I saw a spiral of energy in perpetual motion moving up and away from me at a 45 degree angle. As I looked at it I wondered “where is this stream of energy headed, where does it go?” Then I heard the following (I am typing it exactly as I heard it) “infinite prayer request – you CAN follow the spiral, it goes on forever. No point in following to view – it will remain the same indefinitely – a prayer has been launched”. Wow, something just happened. I’d never seen that before. Okay, let’s see if I can take this further, while I’m riding this wave of clarity. I stood there and said my code word out loud to see if the spiral would happen again. Nada. Nothing. Then I heard “no point – little point in launching with one word alone unless you know the prayer to which you are attaching the code word. The word alone must have intention attached. Hanging by itself cannot – is not effective. There must be a conscious connection to the prayer.” (Again exactly as I heard it or interpreted it). It’s true – I was so enamored with what I had just witnessed, I said the code word without intention. I was focused on the spiral I had just seen and I wanted to see it again.” Is that a correct interpretation of what happened?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer469 views0 answers0 votesAs an introduction to the topic of prayer shelf life, can Creator briefly summarize why prayer is necessary at all?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer402 views0 answers0 votesIs it true to say, that the true purpose of prayer is not to inform Creator and the divine realm, but to permit it? Is prayer a kind of “license to operate” that each human being issues to the divine realm?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer309 views0 answers0 votesIs the saying, “The squeaky wheel gets the grease,” an analogy that can be applied to prayer in any way?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer377 views0 answers0 votes