DWQA Questions › Category: Non-Local ConsciousnessFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesA client asks: “Are my recent dreams of caring for infants connected to being used by extraterrestrials to care for hybrid young, and if so, is this ongoing or stirred up from the past events? Are my recent panic attacks connected to recent interactions with ETs?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness353 views0 answers0 votesWe reassured a client that her recently deceased lover, who died in a vehicle accident and for whom we did a Spirit Rescue to help him return to the light, could visit her in the dream state, as that is the easiest way for beings in the light to converse with loved ones in the living. She wrote me back the following: “Thanks Karl, I appreciate your words of encouragement. He did actually visit me in my dreams the day after you sent me an email saying you had done the healing. I have never had him come to me in my dreams in all the time I’ve known him, so this was very healing and a beautiful experience. Thanks once again.” Was this a real dream visitation from him as a light being?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness327 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “I had a dream/vision of a destroyed Chicago around the time of the 2008 financial collapse – and Creator said in an earlier channeling that this was the probability at that time. Would this have been the outcome if the divine realm did not intervene to save the global financial system in 2008?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness304 views0 answers0 votesWas my client’s dream of falling off a spiral staircase in space, a training exercise about becoming human—entering the earth plane for the first time? Was this preparation to help her in coming from a different star system? If so, how recent was this?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness358 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “Was my sense of what it would be like to jump from a window of the World Trade Center just prior to 9/11, a prophetic vision of the impending attack that indeed caused people to jump to their deaths?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness344 views0 answers0 votes“Karl, I’ve never heard anyone comment on or even say “the spiral staircase” with regards to spiritual matters, yet you mentioned it in the webinar today. I remember a dream I had when I was a child, 5 years old, or so. I was walking up a spiral staircase with other beings ahead of me as well as behind me. This staircase was very strong and stable. It had no handles on either side to hold on to and each step was floating on its own. The staircase was in space. We were all in space. Just space. I remember seeing stars. We were following someone we loved. I intuitively knew I would not fall because my faith would not allow me to entertain such a thought. At the time I had felt the knowing that I could not fall, a suggestion or thought entered my mind: “Look down, look at the stairs, so you don’t fall – you could fall; you might fall.” My heart jumped. I knew not to look. Just entertaining the thought would be a disappointment to God, I thought. Actually looking would have consequences, it felt wrong. I heard the suggestion again “You might fall; you could fall.” The moment fear entered my mind, I fell off the staircase. I fell for what felt a long while and I woke up feeling nervous and disappointed. Was this a portent of things to come? When I grew up and was a young adult, I was lost among some very dark influences, even trying suicide several times. I’ve been through the worst of the worst for sure. I’ve recovered since those dark times and have come back stronger than ever. I know I’ve been noticed. I work very hard at staying in divine alignment. What is the significance of people climbing a spiral staircase somewhere beyond the Earth?” Was this a prophetic dream?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness318 views0 answers0 votesA client asks: “I want to share with you my intense dream. Last night, I dreamed about the former Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands. Although there happened several things in the dream, one thing stood out. I was with her in her room. There was a small pool of blood on the bed but I didn’t tell her. At one point, she sat on the blood. I began cleaning the blood on her clothes with a towel. And then I looked at her and said: “We are all light beings.” She kept looking at me with an intense look. It seems like those words did something to her but at the same time, she kept her distance. Was this dream pure imagination of my own mind or was there more to it? It felt very real, especially her eyes and the way she looked at me. Why did I dream this?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness390 views0 answers0 votesAbout 5 years ago, some time after our Cavalier King Charles spaniel, [name withheld], passed away, my wife dreamed of walking in our den and seeing [name withheld] and our then-living dog, [name withheld], sitting on the couch together. My wife greeted her enthusiastically but after a few moments, her image faded and disappeared. Was this just a wish-fulfillment dream, or was this a dream visitation by our dog’s spirit to put in an appearance?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness331 views0 answers0 votesMy wife just told me that [name withheld] in the dream she had 5 years ago had a longer snout than in real life, and looked just like the new dog, [name withheld], a Cavalier-miniature poodle mix, we got this year who you told us is [name withheld] reincarnated. The coat color and breed look are like a Cavalier, but [name withheld] has the longer poodle snout. Is there any significance in this dream detail?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness343 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “In my dreams I almost always seem to be in observer mode, most times passive, but at times feeling frustrated with the inability to engage actively, like I’m being held back, muffled, or constrained. What are the implications of this point of view and these impressions while dreaming?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness312 views0 answers0 votesWhat was the reason behind the practitioner’s dream about working on the Sun while out in space? Did this truly happen, and was it our current Sun or the binary brown dwarf, now dimmed?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness350 views0 answers0 votesIs it possible to communicate with our past, future, and parallel selves in the dream state? Are we already doing that?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness379 views0 answers0 votesYou have told us before that it is not possible through the mind, even using deep trance hypnosis, for people to recall experiences that happened in between lives while in the higher astral realm. Yet, my recent client asked about dreams she has had of being instructed, which you described as taking place in between lives for purposes of preparing her for life in the physical. How could she be aware this happened and recall the experience directly in her dreams?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness344 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner writes about a dream: “I was standing with my friend, [name withheld]. He was showing me where he was getting married – a combination golf course/winery. I put my arm over his shoulder and I said, “Ya did good.” I had not had any contact with him in many years, but I reached out to him because of the dream. That’s when he told me that he was planning on getting married at a California winery, right next to a golf course in a couple of months due to an unplanned pregnancy.” Was this truly a prophetic dream, as seems to be the case?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness327 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner writes about a dream: “I learned how to navigate from one reality to another. In my present reality, I and others agreed on plans for desired changes and outcomes. In the second reality, the past, it was my job to execute what had to be done or take place, to make these desired outcomes happen. Slipping in, undetected from present to past and vice-versa was remarkably easy. I learned how to attach myself, my consciousness, to an object that was there with me in the present, that was certain to be there in the past, or the future, depending on what we were trying to accomplish. It had to be something stable, that was sure to stay put, to use it as a door. I chose an old, large dusty trunk. I learned that if an outcome didn’t pan out as planned, I had to go back to the past to make sure I didn’t miss any details. If I followed the procedure perfectly, down to the most minute detail, the future outcome was assured. I came through to the past, through a large, old trunk – the kind used for packing your belongings for travel a long time ago. My soul/essence/light body dove right into the trunk and melted or merged into it, into the atoms, and I materialized through it as if it were a door. To leave the past, I did the same thing – I slipped into the trunk and melded with/became part of it on a molecular level and my body vanished. Atoms and molecules around me instantly changed, but I remained the same. My soul slid in and out of realities with ease. I learned I could use any object, as long as it existed during the time I wanted to travel to, as well as my present. Any item could be used as a door. After what felt like months, I finally “got it right” and it became an easy thing to do, alter circumstances, once I understood how to do it.” Was this a real experience or a dream re-enactment of a real experience? Was it done as a physical human being or while she was a light being?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness425 views0 answers0 votes