DWQA Questions › Category: KarmaFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesBoth Patton and General Douglas MacArthur were considered Prima Donnas. Google defines prima donna as, “A very temperamental person with an inflated view of their own talent or importance.” Or, “Anyone who acted as if they were a world-famous talent.” But the irony is they were, indeed, “world-famous talents.” They were two of the most effective and successful combat leaders the world has EVER known. Yet many observers considered them “arrogant pretenders” nevertheless, and despised them for being so. Is this an example of “faking it ’til you make it,” and how much of this behavior was engaged in fully for “effect” but did not, in fact, reflect the men privately? What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 6 months ago • Karma94 views0 answers0 votesGeneral MacArthur used to frequently, and many would say recklessly, expose himself to danger in areas with known snipers. In one incident he actually stared out of a window at a sniper training his rifle at him from another building across the street. He then “casually” turned and walked away from the window a split second before a bullet came through the window aimed at him. When asked later about the behavior, he claimed he liked to “test his timing.” This behavior drove his subordinates “nuts.” Yet MacArthur survived the entirety of the war in his early sixties and without so much as a scratch. Patton behaved similarly and also survived the war, only to have his neck broken in the slightest of fender benders. What is Creator’s perspective on this behavior?ClosedNicola asked 6 months ago • Karma104 views0 answers0 votesA lot of terrible and deeply evil figures in history were also prima donnas. So it’s completely understandable that such figures are deeply distrusted. Where does one parse out the positive example versus the arrogant threat? What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 6 months ago • Karma90 views0 answers0 votesWhat is Creator’s perspective on “combat stress reaction” or “battle fatigue?” So much of GetWisdom has been dedicated to healing historic trauma the deep subconscious reacts to, as this is understood to be the primary culprit behind MOST of our negative karmic issues and even the rise of evil itself in the galaxy. Yet trauma doesn’t have to be deep and can be right in your face, such as experienced by the soldiers Patton slapped (assuming their distress was quite real, and they were not faking it). Fleeing combat by any means certainly aligns with the karmic and divine imperative to protect oneself, but at the cost of abandoning their duty and comrades, not to mention setting an abysmal example of how to comport oneself in the face of danger. What is Creator’s perspective on this dilemma?ClosedNicola asked 6 months ago • Karma87 views0 answers0 votesThe word “coward” has come to acquire a deeply negative connotation, so much so that it has fallen out of popular use almost entirely, and anyone attempting to use it faces significant backlash, both privately and especially publicly. And the word “brave” is being liberally used to praise victims and laud behavior that seems to lack any evidence, much less significant evidence, of the recipient actually having stood strong against a dilemma. Today there are certainly people who would call Patton a bully and the battle fatigue suffering soldiers he slapped brave, for merely being on the receiving end of his “despicable tirade.” What is Creator’s perspective on the abandonment of the word “coward” and the accompanying neutering of the word “brave,” a word that used to be reserved ONLY to describe one who displayed SIGNIFICANT evidence of having “stood strong?”ClosedNicola asked 6 months ago • Karma89 views0 answers0 votesPatton’s slapping incidents became publicly known when journalist Drew Pearson broke the story on his national radio show. Wikipedia reports: “Pearson’s version not only conflated details of both slapping incidents but falsely reported that the private in question was visibly “out of his head,” telling Patton to “duck down or the shells would hit him,” and that in response, “Patton struck the soldier, knocking him down.” Pearson punctuated his broadcast by twice stating that Patton would never again be used in combat, despite the fact that Pearson had no factual basis for this prediction.” The Allied Command, and especially General Eisenhower, deemed Patton critical to the war effort, and this publicity complicated things enormously. That the media tends to conflate things is taken for granted these days. What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 6 months ago • Karma86 views0 answers0 votesJust as things are today, the public was deeply divided over the slapping incidents. So much so, it was said it was the “slap heard round the world.” Half the population defended Patton and the other half demanded his firing. This shows the divide between the application of discipline versus the application of compassion. It is widely assumed that the two are diametric opposites but is that truly the case? What did those soldiers need most—a slap or a hug? What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 6 months ago • Karma82 views0 answers0 votesTrauma is highly problematic, whether deeply buried or in your face. How can Empowered Prayer, the Lightworker Healing Protocol, Deep Subconscious Mind Reset, and Divine Life Support heal historic trauma, and also help the recipient to “stand strong” when that approach to a dilemma is the most advised and perhaps wisest course of action?ClosedNicola asked 6 months ago • Karma88 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “If there are clearly karmic effects in this lifetime (physical, mental, emotional, relationships, finances, etc.) is it wise to “wait” for LHP sessions to heal karmic underpinnings in other timelines, or “should” we try to overcome it as best we can in this lifetime, even though using the conscious mind and memory will be very limited in their effectiveness? Will ignorance and inaction compound the issue? Or will human action provide more intention-power to amplify healing speed? Given the limited effectiveness of medical science and psychological therapies it seems unclear what to do.” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 6 months ago • Karma133 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “Fate often represents a fixed outcome; destiny is a sense of purpose that individuals actively work towards, influencing their choices and actions. To what degree is karma deterministic and the outcomes inevitable? For example, if someone has lung disease, and that has been created by the Law of Karma to rebalance wounds done to us by others in other lives, what is the difference karmically between passive acceptance of that illness in this lifetime as a rebalancing (fate) versus seeking the best medical and spiritual treatment for the condition (destiny)?” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 6 months ago • Karma125 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “I really need your help with my son who signed up for the Marines and he is supposed to leave on Monday the 29th. Unfortunately, his father is trying everything for him not to leave. I really don’t know why. His father has been crying every single day on the phone and whenever my son is visiting him. The father has been confusing him by playing his tricks. I really want you to remove all the spells, magic, manipulation, and cords that are attached to him by his father. I really want you to please free my son from his father so my son can use his brain. Also please ask the Creator why his father is doing this? Will my son be able to leave with grace and ease.” This plan is days away. Is there time to intervene?ClosedNicola asked 7 months ago • Karma217 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “I have fibromyalgia and trigeminal inflammation which I believe are caused by viruses. I am having a lot of trouble trying to sleep and so much agitation and restlessness in my body. It’s very difficult to live like this. I asked The Council why and they said I had an injury when I was younger that affected my nerves and hence why I have the restlessness. Can you please ask if Creator agrees with this or is it something else?” What can we tell her?ClosedNicola asked 8 months ago • Karma132 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “What can I do to overcome sleep disturbance and get some much-needed sleep?” What can we tell her?ClosedNicola asked 8 months ago • Karma172 views0 answers0 votesThe viewer asks: “I am a member of GetWisdom and Creator is working on my healing. Why does it take so long?” What can we tell her?ClosedNicola asked 8 months ago • Karma154 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “A family member has recurring allergic reactions to peanuts and dust mites. Despite frequent dust clearing, medication, and cleaning, these reactions continue. This person also has mild asthma and requires an inhaler to reduce the effects. Are these reactions karmically caused? Will conventional medical treatments be effective or will it require LHP-DSMR work to reduce the symptoms?” What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 9 months ago • Karma124 views0 answers0 votes