DWQA Questions › Category: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesA viewer asks: “I am very depressed and anxious, and have spent most of the year in bed. I feel very lethargic, overwhelmed and disconnected, and am functioning at a very low level. I have been harassed by ETs and dark entities in the past and assume that I am under psychic attack now as well. I often hear strange tones in my head during the day. What is dragging me down, and how can I get back to feeling healthy and happy again?” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control133 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “I have a female family member who has a deeply antagonistic attitude towards men. She constantly berates men and insults masculinity, even in the presence of others, including her own son. She also constantly rails against “white people,” accusing them of racism and harming other peoples, and seems oblivious to the hypocrisy of her own extremely suspicious and prejudiced stance. She does not stop and seems stuck in a loop. What is the cause of her mindset? Why does she resent men? And why does she resent “white people?” Will she have karmic repercussions if she continues like this?” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control155 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “Following on from Creator’s previous message, could Creator tell me who is targeting me and why and how I am being targeted?” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control141 views0 answers0 votesHe asks: “I am doing prayers to Creator twice a day and in this portal. Is there anything else I need to do to help this situation?” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control164 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “A guy I am interested in, who Creator said we had been together in previous lifetimes and who Creator said we had experienced trauma together in previous lives, has now distanced himself severely from me in the last months after months of being loving and interested. It has been extremely confusing to me and has left me almost to the brink of desperation. My question is: Has he been attacked by negative entities or is he being targeted by the interlopers? Or is he just simply not interested in me and is practicing his free will to not be with me and chooses not to love me, and this is simply my karma to work through myself?” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control142 views0 answers0 votesIs she being targeted to disrupt this relationship? Is this an Alien Love Bite?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control154 views0 answers0 votesDo all three extraterrestrial regimes in the Dark Extraterrestrial Alliance, the Anunnaki, Reptilian and Arcturian, carry out mind control manipulation of their citizens?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control172 views0 answers0 votesThere is a jewelry-like pendant that is promoted to help with stress, enhance vitality and sleep quality, and protect against electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) and their harmful effects. Does it produce such benefits or is this all misinterpreted placebo responses?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control192 views0 answers0 votesA viewer writes: “Ahead of any breaking point, I felt it was necessary to at least run my situation by you. I am being honest and blunt when I say I’ve gotten no good data as of late. That does not mean I am not searching. I don’t think it’s too much to ask to have SOME measure of freedom from constant, chronic existential financial worry. If I could stare a hole in my ceiling from sheer worry, anxiety, and apprehension, it would go straight through the roof into open sky. This has been so unfair and devious as to be spiritually sickening. With next to zero positivity, I feel I have a right to wonder why I am putting myself through this any longer.” Why is he struggling and how can we help?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control168 views0 answers0 votesThe cofounder of Wikipedia has revealed a bombshell concerning long-running suspicions of US intelligence interference and manipulation of the world’s most well-known collaborative online encyclopedia. The site’s cocreator, Larry Sanger, spoke to journalist Glenn Greenwald on his “System Update” podcast, and outlined the known “information warfare” efforts of US intelligence, which have to some extent made Wikipedia a tool of “control” by the left-liberal Washington deep state. Sanger explained that the intelligence agencies “pay off the most influential people to push their agendas, which they’re already mostly in line with, or they just develop their own talent within the community, learn the Wikipedia game, and then push what they want to say with their own people.” “A great part of intelligence and information warfare is conducted online,” he added, and then specified: “on websites like Wikipedia.” For that reason along with others explored in the interview, Sanger calls it “the most biased encyclopedia” in history. He described that US intelligence manipulation of the immensely large platform and repository of information had been going on for more than a decade (Wikipedia was founded and appeared online in 2001).ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control186 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “Am I part of the 5% who are targeted individuals?”ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control184 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “During a walk-though practice (no pads or tackling) C.J. Gardner-Johnson suddenly collapsed to the turf clutching his knee. Turned out he could not put any weight on it, and after more than ten minutes, the medical golf cart came out to take him back to the locker room for further examination and diagnosis. Nine times out of ten, when you see this kind of thing happen there is nearly always significant knee damage, usually, a torn ACL ligament. When that happens, the player’s season is automatically over, and he must undergo surgery to fix the tear, and recovery takes more than a year. So everyone feared the worst, as that has been the usual outcome, historically, for the Lions. But, shockingly, just four or so hours later, word leaked out that his MRI of the knee was CLEAN, and there was no detectable damage to any structural component of the knee. He was ultimately diagnosed with a knee sprain. So he went from “season over” to back practicing in less than a week. This was a high-value player who played in the Super Bowl last February for the Philadelphia Eagles, but was let go due to “salary cap issues” and was seen as a key acquisition by the Detroit Lions. Was there divine intervention to prevent the common and expected outcome of this event? Was the knee simply protected, or was it severely damaged and subsequently HEALED sometime between his leaving the field and the MRI examination?”ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control180 views0 answers0 votesHe also asks: “Was this just a sports injury, or a more sinister outside attack to impair him and hinder the Detroit Lions?”ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control144 views0 answers0 votesHe also asks: “Despite the Lightworker Healing Protocol sessions I have done to protect this team and its players, was the attack allowed to be temporarily successful in order to manage interloper expectations?”ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control136 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “Was listening to some more Lions talk, and an old time Lion’s beat reporter, Mike O’Hara shared a story he was reminded of when he first heard about the knee injury to C.J. Gardner-Johnson. He recalled a running back the Lions drafted in the second round in 2012 – Mikel Leshoure. Leshoure was a top prospect, never fumbled even once in college, could block, run, catch, could do it all. On the second play of the first day of training camp during a non-tackling drill, he had “light” contact with a defensive player and tore his Achilles tendon. He was gone for the year, and when he returned from the injury, was never the same – which is often the case. This also just SCREAMS “targeting” – especially when you consider the severity of the injury occurring during a play where by all rights and measures, such a serious injury has astronomically LITTLE chance of occurring. That seems to be a theme of some these injuries. Some of the most severe seem to occur with the most innocuous and unthreatening of physical movements. What can Creator tell us about this injury more than a decade ago?”ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control205 views0 answers0 votes