DWQA Questions › Category: High Level Psychic Attacks, CursesFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesA viewer asks: “In the past my mother has talked about our forefathers worshipping some kind of a forest deity who seems to bless people with good fortune if proper respects are paid to it but also bring misfortune if the ritual isn’t performed properly. Her claim is that since our family hasn’t been able to perform the ritual properly since my grandfather became ill, it is responsible for bringing troubles and misfortunes in our family lineage. She wants to find a solution where we could either resume its worship again or sever all ties with this deity. She also claims a witch cursed my grandfather and family. Is there any truth to her claims? if true what specific requests can I make in my sessions?”ClosedNicola asked 4 months ago • High Level Psychic Attacks, Curses105 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “I have another question and it is in regards to any curses or spells put on by Freemasonry association and agreement in the family line. Do you know much about this topic? I would like to rebuke any association with Freemasonry in my bloodline or my husband’s bloodline. I’m not sure if there’s a way we can check for that. I know that we were Jehovah’s Witnesses growing up and I was baptized Jehovah’s Witness, and I’ve come to understand that they are part of a Freemason group, please advise.” What can we tell her?ClosedNicola asked 4 months ago • High Level Psychic Attacks, Curses98 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “A few months ago my closest friend, who is interested in the paranormal and has had many uncanny experiences happen to her, went on a vicious rant against me via text message saying anything she could think of to hurt me. This included threatening psychic attack. The strangest part is that this all came out of nowhere. A few days later she apologized and said she didn’t know what came over her. Although I miss my friend, this wasn’t the first time that she had lashed out at me unfairly, and while I forgive her, I decided I can’t be close to her and we haven’t spoken. This evening I came home and found a book she had given me had fallen off the shelf. What does this signify?”ClosedNicola asked 6 months ago • High Level Psychic Attacks, Curses128 views0 answers0 votesMy client asks: “Unfortunately, the warlock and multiple covens he has enlisted, are working overtime to severely harm me. I now have 1,987 spells on me that are affecting my knees and my ability to walk. Either the karmic demon or spell work tried to dislocate my right knee last night and when I enter my home, my right knee feels as if it will collapse. If I wash my hands or try to make a meal, the same painful experience occurs. My teeth and gums, especially, the Right Front Tooth and Left molar, as always, are being badly harmed both day and night. I was awakened at 3:45 am, my teeth tortured with needles at 4:30 am. I saw the flash of a man’s face, wearing a sinister smile meant for me. If you would be able to clear these painful spells that are beginning to enact, I would greatly appreciate it!” What can we tell her?ClosedNicola asked 7 months ago • High Level Psychic Attacks, Curses146 views0 answers0 votesHow is the other healer she hired able to help clear her and bring relief on occasion from her psychic attacks? She is terrified because he is in the hospital and unavailable for a week.ClosedNicola asked 7 months ago • High Level Psychic Attacks, Curses121 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “Urgent cry for help, again! This warlock and coven continue to send a multitude of excruciatingly painful spells on me every 12 to 18 hours! The pain, burning, and swelling in my gums, roots, and teeth are just unbearable. I have been repeatedly stabbed in the gum line/gums, teeth, and roots causing tremendous pain. Right now, the left molar is receiving searing burning going through the tooth. While showering this morning, I was stabbed with a needle on the top of the left side of my head. I was kept awake until 1:30 am with severe attacks to my spinal column, right side of my spine, right upper back and right shoulder blade. Someone put a demon into my spinal column at midnight, creating horrific pain and pressure. During the night, the karmic demon took my legs and my body and repeatedly lifted them off of the couch where I sleep, among other adverse actions. Is there a positive word from above? Please tell me if there is. I don’t know how much more torture I can take.” What can we tell her?ClosedNicola asked 8 months ago • High Level Psychic Attacks, Curses143 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “I often think about inappropriate and offensive pranks or jokes on several fictional or real tough individuals, because I think their reaction would be funny. I know this is wrong, but I find it is hard to give up this habit. Could you ask Creator what kind of karma liabilities would I incur from thinking like this? And was this habit caused by negative karma in other life times?”ClosedNicola asked 11 months ago • High Level Psychic Attacks, Curses211 views0 answers0 votesDo cordings to the body from the akashic records and from the varied levels of the mind always deposit thought forms to deliver their karmic message as a kind of psychic attack?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • High Level Psychic Attacks, Curses153 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “We ask Source Creator to protect all communication between us to render it undetectable by ETs, etc. Can we not ask Source Creator to put a bubble of transmutation around us so that all negativity directed towards us is transmuted to positive and likewise, any negative thoughts, etc., we ourselves generate are transmuted to positive when it flows out from us through the bubble? Although the actual healing for the source of negativity coming from the warlocks takes place via another workaround, would having the negativity transmuted as it is sent, ease the current symptoms of this client? Or has this approach already been considered and rejected, and if so, why? How would this impinge on the free will of others?” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • High Level Psychic Attacks, Curses218 views0 answers0 votesWe have been asked to do healing work for a client who is hospitalized with a swollen belly, but the doctors cannot figure out what’s wrong. He is living in an environment where witchcraft is commonplace. What is he suffering from, and how can our protocols help?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • High Level Psychic Attacks, Curses188 views0 answers0 votesA client asks: “This is an urgent call for help! I was brutally attacked 45 minutes ago so much so, I almost passed out. There are multiple spells and strong painful energetics on and around all gums and teeth on the left upper row. The root above the left molar is huge, swollen and so painful. The gums behind the left molar extend to the jaw joint, per the spells, as always. The pain, burning, and pressure are unbearable since 7:00 am and has become much worse since 8:30 am. After I was attacked, I heard someone from the divine realm exclaim, “We need to do something, or this will become irreparable.” Last night, I saw two angels with dark hair carrying a document, possibly a karmic contract. If you would please consult God and the divine realm to see what exception they will grant which will release me from the warlock’s evil grip before it’s too late. What are their intentions? Then, there is the matter of this demon that follows me, causing tremendous pain in my mouth and other body parts both day and night. When will God or Jesus remove it?” Is the solution for this victim, the enhanced requests to have Creator use its detective ability to actively change corrupted beliefs and wherewithal to move beings back into divine alignment? Will that work on spirit meddlers and extraterrestrial spirits as well as humans who are perpetrators?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • High Level Psychic Attacks, Curses275 views0 answers0 votesThe viewer asks: “Also, the same lightworker says eminent channels may be at risk of losing connection with their channeled beings next year due to increased spirit meddler psychic attacks. Is this true, and if so, how do you prevent that for yourself?” What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • High Level Psychic Attacks, Curses195 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “Can Creator comment on the use of a personal sigil, designed by the individual using it and infused with strong intent for a very specific purpose. I imagine it’s only useful and potent as a person believes it to be. To me, it’s simply a “reminder” for the person that created it. What is Creator’s perspective?”ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • High Level Psychic Attacks, Curses153 views0 answers0 votesCan a person’s spirit team block the energy of a psychic attack?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • High Level Psychic Attacks, Curses316 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “In my most recent email to you this morning, I meant to ask you if God will grant me His mercy and His grace by permanently removing the dark demon from my auric field and when? A consultant explained, the demon has been karmically attached to me during a black magic ceremony. Therefore, she purports, karma needs to be resolved and then the demon will automatically leave. In the meantime, she suggests for me to learn how to heal my own energy. I have tried to do just that. However, with multiple spells and severe attacks occurring every 10-12 hours and an aggressive, sometimes violent demon attacking me both night and day, I find her suggestion difficult to perform to say the least.” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • High Level Psychic Attacks, Curses224 views0 answers0 votes