Frank Wisner Channeled by Karl Mollison 24April2017

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Frank Wisner Channeled by Karl Mollison 24April2017

Frank Gardner Wisner

Frank was born in Mississippi in 1910 and was enlisted in the US Navy prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor.  By 1944 Frank was a spy in Romania for the OSS – the predecessor organization to the CIA.

It was Frank Wisner who helped to shape the spirit of the CIA. 

He was involved in nearly all of the most nefarious projects set before them in those days after WWII and his spying days with the OSS.

He was a member of the Georgetown Set, a co-ed group of leaders who would have great influence as an integral part of a shadow government of the US. He was a friend of James Forrestal and suspected by Hoover and McCarthy. 

By the time of the establishment of the CIA in1947, when Truman signed the National Security Act into law, Frank Wisner was an avowed anti-communist who then played a key role in the takeover of major US media through Operation Mockingbird, the overthrow of Iran & Guatemala and the loss of Hungary to the Soviets. 

This may have been the turning point for Frank since he witnessed perhaps the loss of 20,000 Hungarians in the uprising that was largely fostered through his clandestine funding and actions.

Darker days ensued as Frank’s world deteriorated. 

In 1965 he took his own life. 

Here is the real story; one of hope and healing.

Questions for Frank Wisner’s channeling session

1) What was it like for you before and after your spirit rescue?

2) Were you subjected to mind control in your incarnation as Frank Wisner? When did this start for you? Who conducted this mind control?

3) How did the perpetrators exploit you? What was your particular weakness?

4) Was there a karmic theme playing out relating to your previous incarnations? Can you explain?

5) Was your association with James Forrestal and his support for the creation of the CIA related to the cover up of the ET and UFO information?

6) Did you have any moments of spiritual clarity that helped you to understand what was really going behind the scenes? 

7) What was the reason for your apparent deep connection to Hungary?

8) What drove you to your decision to end your life?

9) Is there a message for those who serve in the various intelligence agencies and/or secret space programs when they seek encouragement to serve the Light?

Thanks for joining us and Victory to the Divine Human!

Ann Robards Channeled by Karl Mollison 08April2017

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Ann Robards Channeled by Karl Mollison 08April2017

Ann Robards

We know very little about her.

Karl received her name from his primary source in the Light.

She was identified as someone who could tell us about an extraterrestrial slave colony and her involvement and tragic experiences there.

She and her family were abducted from their home at night approximately 30 years ago in Cleveland, Ohio. 

Some will dismiss this as nonsense and that is certainly understandable.

However, some of the testimony here is corroborated by other testimony received from other experiencer’s as can be found on this YouTube and elsewhere.

Perhaps some will say that Ann’s experience and the greater issue of the alien manipulation and enslavement of man needs to be exposed in all its sordid detail for the purposes of justice and perhaps forgiveness.

That is for you to decide. Thanks for joining us and Victory to the Light!




Rear Admiral Rico Botta Channeled by Karl Mollison 18March2017

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Rear Admiral Rico Botta Channeled by Karl Mollison 18March2017

Rico Botta was born in 1890 in Melbourne, Australia where he was a gifted automobile mechanic as a young teenager. With the invention of the airplane, he turned his interests to the repair and maintenance of aircraft engines. When he turned 18, Botta joined the US Naval Reserve Force.

By 1917 he became a naturalized citizen of the US and became an aviator for the US Navy Reserve Flying Corps. With his exceptional aviation and leadership skills he quickly rose through the ranks and had made Captain by the onset of World War II.

After serving as a top engineer for the Bureau of Aeronautics in Washington DC, by 1942 he was transferred to Naval Air Station San Diego as an Assembly and Repair Officer.

As William Tompkins reveals in his book, Selected by Extraterrestrials, Botta was secretly the head of a Navy spy ring consisting of 29 young sailors who infiltrated Nazi Germany and throughout the war brought back to San Diego highly classified intel on the Nazi’s development of interstellar space craft. From this information, the US Navy as well as private US defense contractors were able to begin their own spaceship program. After the war, Botta was retroactively promoted to Rear Admiral. Botta retired from the Navy in 1952.


Questions for Rear Admiral Rico Botta

 #1 Admiral Botta, did a teenage William Tompkins work for you at Naval Base San Diego during World War II?

#2 Tompkins claims that you ran a spy ring of 29 Navy sailors who infiltrated Nazi bases and brought back to San Diego enough information on the Nazi’s development of highly advanced space craft to facilitate over 1200 high-level briefings conducted by you and your officers. These 29 Navy spies were never detected traveling back and forth between Nazi Germany and San Diego during the entire length of the war. Did the Nordics provide some sort of security and protection to these deeply embedded Navy spies to enable this feat?

#3 Did the Nordics thereafter continue to assist the US Navy, and do the Nordics still assist the US Navy today – and if so, in what capacity?

#4 Admiral Botta, you retired from the Navy in December 1952. How involved were you in the development of a secret space program prior to and after your retirement from the Navy?

#5 World War II has been described as a ’proxy war’ between the Draco Reptilians who allied with the Nazis and the Nordics who allied with the US, Britain and the Soviet Union; two ET races that have a long history of conflict. Is this correct?

#6 If WWII was a proxy war, does this conflict between the Draco and the Nordics continue today and which Earth factions and nations do the Nordics currently support?

#7 What is your understanding of the Alien Agenda that exists today and what are your recommendations for those who wish to expose this agenda for the good of mankind?

J. Allen Hynek Channeled by Karl Mollison 14March2017

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J. Allen Hynek Channeled by Karl Mollison 17March2017

Dr. Josef Allen Hynek (May 1, 1910 – April 27, 1986) was an American astronomer, professor, and ufologist. He is perhaps best remembered for his UFO research. Hynek acted as scientific adviser to UFO studies undertaken by the U.S. Air Force under three consecutive projects: Project Sign (1947–1949), Project Grudge (1949–1952), and Project Blue Book (1952–1969).

Hynek was born in Chicago to Czech parents. In 1931, Hynek received a B.S. from the University of Chicago. In 1935, he completed his PhD. in astrophysics at Yerkes Observatory. He joined the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Ohio State University in 1936. He specialized in the study of stellar evolution and in the identification of spectroscopic binary stars.

During World War II, Hynek was a civilian scientist at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, where he helped to develop the United States Navy’s radio proximity fuse.

After the war, Hynek returned to the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Ohio State, rising to full professor in 1950. In 1953, Hynek submitted a report on the fluctuations in the brightness and color of starlight and daylight, with an emphasis on daytime observations.

In 1956, he left to join Professor Fred Whipple, the Harvard astronomer, at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, which had combined with the Harvard Observatory at Harvard. Hynek had the assignment of directing the tracking of an American space satellite, a project for the International Geophysical Year in 1956 and thereafter. In addition to over 200 teams of amateur scientists around the world that were part of Operation Moonwatch, there were also 12 photographic Baker-Nunn stations. A special camera was devised for the task and a prototype was built and tested and then stripped apart again when, on Oct. 4, 1957, the Soviet Union launched its first satellite, Sputnik 1.

After completing his work on the satellite program, Hynek went back to teaching, taking the position of professor and chairman of the astronomy department at Northwestern University in 1960.

Hynek’s true views on UFOs were still unknown to the public when the astronomer, now teaching at North­western University, first met Jacques Vallee in the fall of 1963. Taking a job as a computer programmer at North­western, Vallee became a close friend of Hynek and soon they formed a UFO discussion group.

The astron­omer would eventually nickname this group “the Invisible College” (Vallee 1996, 270)—a term first used by the Rosicrucians in the early 1600s.

Vallee began prodding Hynek to break with the Air Force and publicly admit that the UFO phenomenon was real and worthy of serious scientific investigation. Project Blue Book’s longtime scientific consultant—still known as a staunch UFO de­bunker—stubbornly resisted this ad­vice (Vallee 1996, 80–94).

In later years he conducted his own independent UFO research, developing the “Close Encounter” classification system.

He is widely considered the father of the concept of scientific analysis both of reports and especially of trace evidence purportedly left by UFOs.


US Secret Service Agent Channeled by Karl Mollison 23Feb2017

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US Secret Service Agent Channeled by Karl Mollison 23Feb2017

This is what I called Part 2 when it was first shown on Why Is This True?

Karl and I do a follow-up interview based on an idea from Karl where he channels those who have or have not successfully transitioned upon death and were involved in the secrecy of alien involvement in the intelligence services and government primarily in the US.

In this initial series Karl channels Dwight D. Eisenhower, former US President 1953 to 1961, an unknown SS Agent or other US Intelligence Agency employee involved during the time of Eisenhower’s Presidency, and finally James Forrestal, former Secretary of Defense who was most likely “suicided” at Bethesda Hospital in 1949 for his knowledge and opinions regarding secret societies and the alien agenda.

Here in Part 2 Karl channel’s the unknown agent and we learn that he calls himself Phillip, that he had a sister and his sister’s children are still living. Little else is known regarding his identity other than he most likely was dead before March 1957. Who is this unknown Secret Service Agent and why is he even included in this interview/channeling?

And as noted in this video “There is a file sourced from Central Intelligence Agency’s declassified archives that describes plan to assassinate President Dwight D. Eisenhower under the direction of Allen Dulles and the right-wing members of France’s Gladio “stay behind” network. See

Also see for more information about the “French Gladio.”

One of the issues that looms large in this approach is the disincarnate’s unwillingness to cause further negative karmic conditions so some information is withheld and this makes perfect sense when looking at the bigger picture and considering the overall challenges facing light workers at this pivotal moment in our planetary history. This leaves the researcher unable to verify some facts and it is no different in this case of the unknown Secret Service Agent.

The group photos shown in this video are the actual members of Eisenhower’s Secret Service team and credit goes to Vince Palarama at

Be sure to check out Vince’s book The Not-So-Secret Service: Agency Tales from FDR to the Kennedy Assassination to the Reagan Era

I would also like to admit that some of my questions were not as well thought out given these conditions and I think a better researcher with a feel for these limitations could devise a line of questioning for each of these subjects that would better serve the light worker community. I have learned a lot since this recording about crafting questions for Light Beings!

In any case, I think this will continue to improve over time. We were at the infant stages utilizing this method of revelation!

Please see Karl’s bio here

So we hope you enjoy and get something valuable from this interview series which can be found in its entirety at

Dwight D. Eisenhower Channeled by Karl Mollison 15Feb2017

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Dwight D. Eisenhower Channeled by Karl Mollison 15Feb2017

From & &

Dwight D. Eisenhower was our very first channeling subject on February 15, 2017 when the channeling series with Karl Mollison started.

Dwight David “Ike” Eisenhower October 14, 1890 – March 28, 1969 was an American army general and statesman who served as the 34th president of the United States from 1953 to 1961. During World War II, he was a five-star general in the United States Army and served as supreme commander of the Allied Expeditionary Forces in Europe. He was responsible for planning and supervising the invasion of North Africa in Operation Torch in 1942–43 and the successful invasion of France and Germany in 1944–45 from the Western Front.

In 1952, Eisenhower entered the presidential race as a Republican to block the isolationist foreign policies of Senator Robert A. Taft, who opposed NATO and wanted no foreign entanglements. He won that election and the 1956 election in landslides, both times defeating Adlai Stevenson II. He became the first Republican to win since Herbert Hoover in 1928. Eisenhower’s main goals in office were to contain the expansion of the Soviet Union and reduce federal deficits. In 1953, he threatened the use of nuclear weapons until China agreed to peace terms in the Korean War. China did agree and an armistice resulted that remains in effect. His New Look policy of nuclear deterrence prioritized inexpensive nuclear weapons while reducing funding for expensive Army divisions.

On the night and early hours of February 20-21, 1954, while on a ‘vacation’ to Palm Springs, California, President Dwight Eisenhower went missing and allegedly was taken to Edwards Air force base for a secret meeting.

The event is possibly the most significant that any American President could have conducted: an alleged ‘First Contact’ meeting with extraterrestrials at Edwards Air Force base, and the beginning of a series of meetings with different extraterrestrial races that led to a ‘treaty’ that was eventually signed.

Eisenhower made his last speech as president on the subject of the Military Industrial Congress Complex in 17th January, 1961. Probably the most controversial speech of his career. He gave the American people a serious warning about the situation that faced them. The speech was written by two of Eisenhower’s advisers, Malcolm Moos and Ralph E. Williams. However, this was not the speech they had written. In the original draft, Moos and Williams had used the phrase, the “Military-Industrial Congressional Complex”. This is of course a more accurate description of this relationship. However, to use the term “Congressional” would have highlighted the corruption that was taking place in the United States and illustrated the role played by Eisenhower in this scandal.

On the morning of March 28, 1969, Eisenhower died in Washington, D.C., of congestive heart failure at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. He was 78 years old.

Historical evaluations of his presidency place him among the upper tier of U.S. presidents.

Many recognize him as a pivotal figure not only for the earth’s geo-political stage from a prosaic perspective, but through him a more formalized awareness of the extraterrestrial contact emerged.

He did not know in 1954 what he told us in this channeling as a Light Being. The 2nd channeling with Dwight D. Eisenhower can be seen here:

We want to thank Laura Eisenhower, Ike’s great grand daughter, who had some positive things to say about this channeling back when it was publicly available on Why Is This True?

Please see Karl’s bio here:

and please see the entire channeling series here:

James Forrestal Channeled by Karl Mollison 05Feb2017

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James Forrestal Channeled by Karl Mollison 05Jan2018

This the third channeling interview with Karl back when they were presented on Denny’s YouTube channel Why Is This True?

The best way to understand what is going on in these first 3 channeling interviews is to watch them in sequence: first the Eisenhower channeling, then the US Secret Service Agent channeling and then end with this one.

Here Karl channels James Forrestal. On May 22, 1949, James Forrestal, America’s first Secretary of Defense, plunged to his death from the sixteenth floor of the Bethesda Naval Hospital where he was undergoing psychiatric treatment. The nation was shocked. Only two months earlier President Truman had awarded him the Distinguished Service Medal.

By several author and researcher accounts James Forrestal was a liability to the powers controlling the Federal Government due to his opinions and knowledge regarding the creation of the Israeli state and the UFO contacts at that time.

Forrestal was controversial in his final days and some claim he was suffering from a mental breakdown. Powerful figures in the press treated him poorly, his relationshipwith Truman was in decline and a power struggle with the Secretary of the Air Force Stuart Symington ended with an undocumented conversation in a vehicle that left James stunned. 55 days after this conversation government authorities would claim that James Forrestal had taken his own life at around 2 AM on the day his brother was due to retrieve him. The evidence surrounding his death pointed more towards murder as opposed to suicide.

I highly recommend Richard Dolan’s article about James Forrestal: The Death of James Forrestal…es-forrestal

and also Cornell Simpson, The Death of James Forrestal (Western Islands Publishers, 1966), Who Killed James Forrestal? Was There A Cover-up? by DCDave and A Study of Personality, Politics, and Policy BY ARNOLD A. ROGOW…l000092mbp_djvu.txt

See the entire channeling series here:

Karl Mollison Interview Part 3 08Sept2016

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Karl Mollison Interview Part 3

Karl Mollison is a psychic medium and channeler who provides remote spirit releasement and rescue, spirit clearings, karmic repair, and divine healing worldwide: Karl also facilitates life-transforming trauma resolution and replacement of limiting beliefs in person or by phone nationally and internationally: He is a certified Basic and Advanced DNA ThetaHealing Instructor and has studied a number of shamanic healing modalities. He is a Level IV Healing Touch apprentice, was trained in Reconnective Healing by Dr. Eric Pearl, is Board Certified as a Consulting Hypnotist by the National Guild of Hypnotists, and a Certified Practitioner of Holographic Memory Resolution.™ Prior to starting his spiritual path as a healer, he was a research scientist and inventor, authoring over 100 published abstracts and peer-reviewed journal articles, as well as five U.S. patents for drugs and medical devices.

Part 3: Karl & Denny discuss health and eduction in the US. The massive worldwide braindrain: Are there off-world human populations? Is the earth experience a testing ground for negativity? How prevalent are multi-life repeating Karmic patterns? How do humans have the power for their own salvation? How does healing the perpetrator heal the victim? Why retaliation only makes things worse. How does this relate to forgiveness? What happens to some people in the military when they kill others? What about those who want to leave the earth or are convinced that they will be able to leave after this incarnation? Are light workers heavily targeted? Are light workers, as a result, also heavily corrupted? The prevalence of false channels. What is happy talk? Happy talk vs. the action step.
I have asked Karl about doing a follow up interview and we have a tentative agreement so far. What’s next? Reveal and Forgive from yours truly. Victory to the Light!

Karl Mollison Interview Part 2 08Sept2016

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Karl Mollison Interview Part 2

Karl Mollison is a psychic medium and channeler who provides remote spirit releasement and rescue, spirit clearings, karmic repair, and divine healing worldwide: Karl also facilitates life-transforming trauma resolution and replacement of limiting beliefs in person or by phone nationally and internationally: He is a certified Basic and Advanced DNA ThetaHealing Instructor and has studied a number of shamanic healing modalities. He is a Level IV Healing Touch apprentice, was trained in Reconnective Healing by Dr. Eric Pearl, is Board Certified as a Consulting Hypnotist by the National Guild of Hypnotists, and a Certified Practitioner of Holographic Memory Resolution.™ Prior to starting his spiritual path as a healer, he was a research scientist and inventor, authoring over 100 published abstracts and peer-reviewed journal articles, as well as five U.S. patents for drugs and medical devices.

Part Two: How does free will play into Karmic ties? What are the powers of the Divine Realm when it comes to this type of healing? What can happen when you ask for help? Does belief in God really matter when considering removal of spirit attachments? What about the role your Karmic history plays in the Event or what is known as the shift in consciousness? What about addiction and drug use? How do these issues relate to whistle blowers? Karl studied marijuana in a clinical setting, what did he discover? Disclosure? Denny considers making his report from Karl public. What good would that do? Karl discusses capital punishment. Are your thoughts private? Karl describes his first contact experience and describes his path from hypnotist to his profession as a remote spirit releasement healer. A description and historical explanation of a species of Greys, Pleiadians, Anunaki, Arcturian Greys and Reptilians and abductions. And when it comes to reptilians, does Karl’s testimony verify what David Icke says about shape shifting? The relationship between extra-terrestrials and the US Government and more. And this is only part two!

Thank you for watching and please subscribe!

Karl Mollison Interview Part 1 08Sept2016

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Karl Mollison Interview Part 1

Karl Mollison is a psychic medium and channeler who provides remote spirit releasement and rescue, spirit clearings, karmic repair, and divine healing worldwide: Karl also facilitates life-transforming trauma resolution and replacement of limiting beliefs in person or by phone nationally and internationally: He is a certified Basic and Advanced DNA ThetaHealing Instructor and has studied a number of shamanic healing modalities. He is a Level IV Healing Touch apprentice, was trained in Reconnective Healing by Dr. Eric Pearl, is Board Certified as a Consulting Hypnotist by the National Guild of Hypnotists, and a Certified Practitioner of Holographic Memory Resolution.™ Prior to starting his spiritual path as a healer, he was a research scientist and inventor, authoring over 100 published abstracts and peer-reviewed journal articles, as well as five U.S. patents for drugs and medical devices.

Part One: Why is the spirit world important? We look into the related subjects of the Akashic Records and Karmic History. How far can “happy talk” take you? How did Denny find Karl? Can you gift Team Archangel healing without the recipient’s permission? What about children and babies? What are dark spirits? What are dark spirit hybrids? Do they team up? What are the dark spirit’s techniques? Does everyone make it into the light when they die? Karl gives us a recent healing example involving a family of 4 and the karmic underpinnings of brothers, fire and the guilt of knowing the truth. What about reincarnation? Are curses real? This is just part one!

Thank you for watching and please subscribe!