Creator Reveals the Danger of Disclosure 18Nov2022

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GetWisdom LIVE – Creator Reveals the Danger of Disclosure 18Nov2022

  • What is the extraterrestrial agenda, and what will its long-anticipated Disclosure mean?
  • Are there actually 3 main alien civilizations controlling humanity and now wanting our destruction?
  • Have the growing ET encounters and witnessed events of alien crafts in our skies all been a prelude to deception?
  • Will there be a false invitation by self-proclaimed benevolent ETs offering to protect us from savage Reptilians wanting our elimination?
  • If we surrender our power to these ETs, will that seal our fate?
  • Is the world already weakened by financial distress, civil disobedience, crime, and illness, to soften us up for the kill?
  • How would an annihilation be orchestrated?
  • Creator explains how to partner with the divine and why that is the only thing that can save us.

Creator Discusses the Black Arts 11Nov2022

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GetWisdom LIVE – Creator Discusses the Black Arts 11Nov2022

  • Does turning to the Black Arts instill a hunger for god-like power?
  • Can the practice of Black Magic be used to kill?
  • Does modern occultism misunderstand the power of spirits?
  • Does magic invoke power from the universe through the principle “As below, so above”?
  • Is the idea of putting salt around locations to ward off spirits an intentional disempowerment?
  • What makes sorcerers try ever harder to do evil, fearing a “Law of Return”?
  • Do names have power?
  • Is there a valid basis for numerology?
  • Creator explains why immorality arises from a state of ignorance, and how empowered prayer and divine healing bring enlightenment.

Creator Teaches about the Yearnings of the Soul 04Nov2022

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GetWisdom LIVE  – Creator Teaches about the Yearnings of the Soul 04Nov2022

  • Why are people chronically restless, always wanting something more?
  • Why are so many people regretful, and dissatisfied with the world?
  • Can you escape problems with a change in location?
  • Why is love intensified by absence?
  • What happens when lost love turns to bitterness?
  • Why do people long for things they don’t even know they’ll like?
  • Why do expressions of love often include descriptions of nature?
  • Does avoiding taking a chance on love bring another kind of misery?
  • Creator explains how empowered prayer and divine healing can help us avoid immensely painful and even debilitating soul yearnings.

Creator Explains the Origins and True Significance of Superstitions 28Oct2022

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GetWisdom LIVE Creator Explains the Origins and True Significance of Superstitions 28Oct2022

  • Is there such a thing as beginner’s luck?
  • Where did the idea come from that walking under a ladder brings bad luck?
  • Do talismans, like having a rabbit’s foot, bring good luck?
  • What made people believe that breaking a mirror unleashes 7 years of bad luck?
  • What’s behind the notion that bad luck comes in threes, or that one must knock on wood to fend off harm?
  • Why do people cross their fingers to prevent something from turning out badly?
  • Will throwing salt over your shoulder help?
  • Is the fear of stepping on cracks just based on ignorance?
  • Creator explains why superstitions are common, fear-motivated, and always based on something unseen that is very real.

Creator Teaches About Envy and Jealousy 21Oct2022

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GetWisdom LIVE – Creator Teaches About Envy and Jealousy 21Oct2022

  • What does Creator say about the origins and pitfalls of envying another, or to have a jealous rivalry?
  • What are common mistakes people make trying to cope with their own feelings of jealousy and envy?
  • Does envy of others cause them harm, as well as the self?
  • How widespread a problem are jealousy and envy?
  • Why do some people hate instead of admire those more advantaged?
  • Does envy of the rich deny personal responsibility for one’s lot in life?
  • When does virtue signaling have its roots in jealous envy?
  • Creator explains how envy gave rise to the existence of evil and how empowered prayer and divine healing are the tools needed to maintain divine alignment.

Creator’s Perspective on the Seven Deadly Sins 14Oct2022

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GetWisdom LIVE – Creator’s Perspective on the Seven Deadly Sins 14Oct2022

  • What does Creator say about the notion of sin, and being condemned to hell?
  • Does that even happen?
  • Is it time to re-define the consequences of making a transgression?
  • What does Creator illuminate about the “deadly sins” of Pride, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Anger, and Envy?
  • How does the divine deal with an Eternal or Unforgivable sin?
  • Creator explains how our transgressions are addressed, not through divine judgment and punishment, but through the self-correcting pressures and feedback from the Law of Karma.
  • Empowered Prayer and divine healing will help us make amends and promote living in better divine alignment to support much needed human progress.

Creator Shares Lessons from the Life of Joan of Arc 07Oct2022

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GetWisdom LIVE – Creator Shares Lessons from the Life of Joan of Arc 07Oct2022

  • Was the heroic story of Joan of Arc truly foreseen in a prophetic vision about a woman coming to save the day at a time of war?
  • Was Joan of Arc’s life to become a warrior a form of retrocausal healing in response to prayers of future wartime victims?
  • How powerful are the prayers of a king compared to those of his people?
  • Was Joan of Arc misled by her blind faith in God’s will?
  • Did Creator use a diversion to help the French forces in a way to reduce the killing?
  • Was Joan of Arc betrayed by those around her?
  • Why did she ultimately fail and was burned at the stake if she had divine support and her cause was just?
  • Creator helps us understand the lessons for today’s threatening times.

Creator Reveals More Mysteries of the Ego 30Sep2022

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GetWisdom LIVE – Creator Reveals More Mysteries of the Ego 30Sep2022

  • Why is there a psychological phenomenon making people overestimate their abilities?
  • Why do people defend false assumptions about their competence by invoking unrelated attributes?
  • How does Creator describe the ego and its true purpose?
  • Is the ego a separate level of the mind at work?
  • Do angels have an ego, and does it differ from a person’s ego?
  • Does the brain create the ego, or only experience its influence?
  • When does the ego appear during development and how does it respond to parental influence?
  • Creator explains how prayer and divine healing are critical for overcoming problems of the ego that are central to human progress and survival. 

Creator Discusses the Miracle of Retrocausal Healing 23Sep2022

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Creator Discusses the Miracle of Retrocausal Healing 23Sep2022

  • Are there sinister forces driving people to suicide, which need divine intervention to prevent?
  • Does God have the power to go back and forth across time to change the outcome of a life through inspiration and healing?
  • What caused a successful sports star, who abandoned his career and contemplated suicide, to change his mind?
  • Did Creator dissuade him through retrocausal healing, using as fuel the compassion inspired years later in a human healer who read his biography?
  • Is divine retrocausal healing carried out routinely at the request of human healers?
  • Creator explains how linear time is not a barrier to getting divine healing in the past to undo a current problem. Even the prior lives of departed souls can receive healing, to prepare them for a happier and more successful next lifetime.

Creator’s Perspective on Being Normal 16Sep2022

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GetWisdom LIVE – Creator’s Perspective on Being Normal 16Sep2022

  • Do we really know what it mean to be normal?
  • Is it abnormal to have a sudden change in accepted norms?
  • Can the media be relied on to show the truth?
  • Are we fooled into believing what is normal is also good, and therefore a departure from the accepted norms must be bad?
  • Do we have deep root beliefs that are deliberately instilled to control our thinking and actions?
  • Are people conditioned to conform to accepted norms to the degree they may panic if their beliefs are questioned?
  • Is challenging a person’s normality now seen as challenging their goodness?
  • Can a person with a root belief that democracy is good, be manipulated to accept wrongdoing by leaders in the name of protecting democracy from attack?
  • Creator explains how prayer and divine healing can help us recover from false beliefs engendered by living in an abnormal world.