Creator Explores Trust Issues 24May2024 Posted on May 25, 2024 by Karen Gore Your browser does not support the audio element. Creator Explores Trust Issues 24May2024Is trust the foundational principle that holds all relationships?Is being trusted a greater compliment than being loved?While you may be deceived if you trust too much, will you live in torment if you don’t trust enough?Will someone who does not trust enough, be in turn, not trusted?Is a lack of belief in the divine, really a lack of trust in the divine?Can trust be overridden by choice and is it ultimately and unavoidably fraught with risk?When is refusing to trust a karmic misstep?Are trust and distrust powerful tools for living but also powerful generators of karma?Creator explains why learning to trust wisely is a healing need and opportunity for soul advancement. Click here to become a FREE Participant Member to download the podcast.
Creator Answers Difficult Questions About Consciousness 26Apr2024 Posted on April 27, 2024 by Karen Gore Your browser does not support the audio element. Creator Answers Difficult Questions About Consciousness 26Apr2024Why does consciousness exist?Is there a basic component of consciousness shared by all human beings?Is consciousness, like energy, always “on the move,” in need of movement, and when movement stops, does consciousness itself cease to exist?Are movement and flow intrinsic properties of all consciousness, and not expressly designed features?As Creator is consciousness, can Creator create anything that is not truly consciousness?In its ultimate essence, is everything consciousness at its core?Are emotions an intrinsic property of all consciousness?Can a rock feel pain, joy, anger, etc?Is life force energy of the body a more basic form of consciousness that is more universal than individually configured?Is evil a design element of sentient consciousness?Creator explains how extensive divine healing is needed to unravel and fully exploit these gifts. Click here to become a FREE Participant Member to download the podcast.
Creator Teaches More on Soul Attributes and Soul Maturity 22Mar2024 Posted on March 23, 2024 by Karen Gore Your browser does not support the audio element. Creator Teaches More on Soul Attributes and Soul Maturity 22Mar2024Does the soul grow as a function of human learning?Is soul maturity an important soul attribute?Can major soul profiles characterizing different types of people and supporting varied roles, have both positive and negative expressions?Has the importance of soul attribute restoration for healing been suppressed in our culture?Do extraterrestrials and angelic beings have a similar or different soul attribute profile compared to ours?Is arrested development of soul attributes a characteristic of the dark beings harming humanity?Does greater chronological age ensure maturity?Creator explains how divine healing can remove obstacles to our soul learning and growth. Click here to become a FREE Participant member to download the podcast.
Creator Teaches about the Soul Profile of Helpers 23Feb2024 Posted on February 25, 2024 by Karen Gore Your browser does not support the audio element. Creator Teaches about the Soul Profile of Helpers 23Feb2024People have a soul profile of attributes making them best suited for a particular role, but with many common shared characteristics.Why do some people, like talented artists, have seeming “Gifts from God” while many helpers have less glamorous roles?Are innate talents more an assignment than a gift?Is contentment experienced more frequently and reliably by helpers than by any other role?Are helpers the largest soul profile group out of necessity?Are mothers a special category of helpers?Do helpers worry more than other soul profile members?What are the downsides of being a helper?Creator explains how people with a helper soul profile have healing needs of their own which benefit from divine partnership. Click here to become a FREE Participant member to download the podcast.
Creator Teaches about Soul Attributes 26Jan2024 Posted on January 27, 2024 by Karen Gore Your browser does not support the audio element. Creator Teaches about Soul Attributes 26Jan2024Are soul attributes important characteristics that are a permanent and essential part of us?Is our mix of soul attributes what makes us an individual?Does our soul attribute expression determine how unique or similar to others we are?Do labels and categories truly misrepresent what is important about our makeup?Can our soul be flawed, or only its expression?Are human archetypes actually soul expression patterns?Are common human archetypes part of Creator’s plan?Creator explains why soul healing is needed to protect and strengthen our all-important soul attributes. Click here to become a FREE Participant member to download the podcast.
Creator Teaches More on the Workings of Karma 22Dec2023 Posted on December 23, 2023 by Karen Gore Your browser does not support the audio element. Creator Teaches More on the Workings of Karma 22Dec2023Does Creator adhere to the Law of Karma, or else answer to an even higher power?Can the Law of Karma be adjusted to better constrain evil?Who created the Law of Karma?Why were our common pest species first created for extraterrestrial worlds?Does the horse have a different karmic origin and history than dogs and cats?Is there individual karma, group karma, and even cosmic karma that Creator is accountable for?What are the complexities of karma for perpetrators and their victims?Creator explains how partnership with the divine is necessary for us to survive evil and achieve our karmic destiny. Click here to become a Free Participant member to download the podcast.
Creator Discusses Expecting the Unexpected in Dark Times 17Nov2023 Posted on November 18, 2023 by Karen Gore Click on Above Image to go to Podcast Creator Discusses Expecting the Unexpected in Dark Times 17Nov2023Is there a lesson in the extremes exhibited by the paranoid and the Pollyana? Why is society unprepared for the possibility of an ET presence? Is our electrical power grid vulnerable and if so, why? Is planned obsolescence just from business greed or something more sinister? Why is there so little redundant backup for essential functions? Is the Amish lifestyle a higher standard of living? Is our cellphone dependency a trap? Does GPS technology make us vulnerable? Creator explains how we can partner with the divine to become better at expecting the unexpected, and guarantee a better future. Click here to become a Free Participant member to download the podcast.
Creator Discusses Interloper Shenanigans 29Sep2023 Posted on September 30, 2023 by Karen Gore Click On Above Image to go to Podcast Creator Discusses Interloper Shenanigans 29Sep2023Was the strange character, Valiant Thor, a real extraterrestrial who came to help the world?Was this because of extraterrestrial concern about human nuclear weapon development?Will ETs bring new warnings about evil Reptilians, and offer protection?What is the purpose of the Secret Space Program?Is the “Ashtar Command” correct that there are benevolent extraterrestrials who can be trusted?Will the extraterrestrial presence help or hurt the long-expected human Ascension?Is there a galactic federation already working to clean up our civilization?Creator explains how to get divine help to counter alien deception. Click here to become a Free Participant member to download the podcast.
Creator Discusses the Sorry State of Modern Relationships 25Aug2023 Posted on August 27, 2023 by Karen Gore Click on Above Image to go to Podcast Creator Discusses the Sorry State of Modern Relationships 25Aug2023Why do half of single men give up on dating?Where did the “Battle of the Sexes” come from?Have historical gentlemanly courtesies towards women been only an insult?Why are there so many poor lovers in today’s world?Why do dating websites attract men far more than women?Are more women exploiting men’s affections for material benefit?Is there a hidden influence making successful women, but not men, demand a partner who earns as much or more than they do?Creator explains how the forces of darkness are hurting both men and women, and why divine healing is the answer for a more loving world. Click here to become a Free Participant member to download the podcast.
Creator Discusses Ascension Verses of the Bible 23Jun2023 Posted on June 25, 2023 by Karen Gore Click on Above Image to go to Podcast Creator Discusses Ascension Verses of the Bible 23Jun2023Are there multiple Bible passages describing a coming ascension, people going up to the heavenly realm in a new way? Did Jesus Christ himself describe his preparing the way for ascension in the hereafter but returning to help us follow his example? Are the angels subordinate to humans? Why is Creator’s plan for a glorious ascension to take place still uncertain? Are traditions for careful treatment of the dead based on inner anticipation of ascension? Why are only a few people truly ready for ascension? Creator explains how empowered prayer and divine healing must be done in earnest to prepare enough people for ascension to take place. Click here to become a Free Participant member to download the podcast.