There has been an alarming increase in the number of suicides in the United States over the past couple of decades. Between the years 2000 and 2016, there was a 30% increase in the rate of death by suicide in the country with a 50% increase of suicide rates among women and girls. Suicide has also been among the 10 leading causes of deaths in the United States for the past several years.

A hand rising out of water depicting a man drowning

Common Causes Of Suicide

When someone takes their own life, the loss can be felt by many people, especially among close friends and family. Death by suicide is very difficult for many people to process and the trauma it causes among the loved ones can be quite deep. There are many reasons that can trigger a person to take their own life, especially if they are struggling with mental health problems, addiction, and financial issues. Other causes include relationship problems, environmental factors, and easy access to lethal means such as firearms, drugs, and poisonous substances. There is also a link between family history and previous attempts of suicide and a person trying to commit suicide again.

Suicide And Black Magic

While the reasons mentioned above seem logical and probable, there are often other forces at work that cause a person to self-harm and reach the level where they feel like there is no way out except ending their life. Not many people are aware, but curses and black magic play a huge role in causing people to reach an extreme state that leads to self-murder. Although black magic is more ingrained in the South Asian Societies and other Asian locations, it is also quite prevalent in the western countries.

One of the most significant suicides that indicates the use of dark spells and black magic as the root cause was that of Sylvia Plath in 1963. According to Al Alvarez’s autobiography, Sylvia and her husband used to dabble in dark magic to inspire her creativity, but it came at a terrible price that cost Sylvia her marriage her creativity, and ultimately her life.

We have repeatedly seen cases where people have used occult, black magic, and witchcraft for personal gain and found nothing but despair due to the malignant forces they played with. A study conducted by the University of Massachusetts revealed that people who dabbled in dark magic experienced restlessness and the feeling of being cut off from the community, which only increased their desire to give up their life.

The Road To Spiritual Healing

One of the biggest reasons why people turn to black magic and experience feelings of despair is because their spirit is wounded. They are searching for the hidden truth that will help them get started on their journey to spiritual healing which will ultimately lead them to a better life and help them avoid feeling broken and leaning toward suicide.

If you are seeking the hidden truth and want to learn the divine principles of living, get in touch with us at Get Wisdom and let us guide you to the right path and heal your broken spirit. Our experienced healers provide divine healing sessions, advanced energy treatment, and help you discover the karmic causes for illness that is causing you despair.

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