These individuals were all seers in their own way, and this varied according to their own individual makeup and degree to which they cultivated their innate abilities to couple it with a spiritual reach. That is the missing piece for many who want to be psychic, they are not fully spiritual even though they might believe they are. They are mostly wanting to do this on their own steam, believing they are light beings and they have a power to bring to bear to make many things happen, like healing and other paranormal manifestations of the seer. Nothing enhances psychic ability more than having a strong and active divine partnership because then you have a two-way communication, not using your senses alone, but the senses of the Almighty to couple with yours and extend your reach.
The ability to levitate is more an inner knowing than a seeing, it is achieving a state of connection with the physical plane using your intention to shift the nature of the energy comprising the body. So that is a skill more akin to an athletic feat than a product of thought and comprehension, but it does speak to having an exceptional focus and clarity to bring about a physical outcome that is unexpected and extraordinary. But keep in mind this is a person governing their own physicality and not something that can be used to move mountains. There are limits to the human reach, and that is true of your consciousness as well, but most people are blithely unaware of the power they have within to change themselves for the better in many ways and, in effect, neglect their own development, and thus their own future. Everything begins with a desire, an inner intention for something to happen. Knowing what to do with that is a skill in the art of living, and that will be assisted always through divine partnership because you can get assistance, guidance, inspiration, and empowerment through healing for any inner roadblocks in your way.
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