DWQA QuestionsCategory: Non-Local ConsciousnessA viewer asks: “A visual kept intruding on my thoughts while I was trying to enjoy a TV show with my husband. The visual was that of a person, tied with rope, hanging upside down or right side up, with long strips of skin, cut in the shape of very long rectangles, like long strips of Wrigley’s chewing gum maybe, hanging off the body—no movement. The strips were still attached to the body. They were not entirely cut off. Why am I entertaining this thought? I force myself to concentrate on the TV show instead. The following morning, in a GetWisdom chat room this very specific trauma was being discussed along with a drawing depicting the trauma. (The image depicted the person laying down. I saw the person hanging). Of all traumas, this one. Was my subconscious mind or higher self looking at the akashic records without meaning to? Was this a simple coincidence? Because I know the author of this chat topic, was my mind picking up on something he was going to talk about the following morning?” What can we tell her?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
Your experience resulted from a combination of phenomena. First of all, your nonlocal consciousness was seeing the future of that discussion the following day and the horrific trauma of the peeled skin suffered by someone. This, in turn, caused your deep subconscious to go looking in the akashic records and you as well, focused on a similar experience in your own past. You were seeing yourself in a similar state of helplessness and subjected to torture in that same way and were in resonance with the sufferer of the future event to be discussed. So this was simply a witnessing consciously, of images emerging from the actions of other levels of the mind doing what they do. They have a life of their own. Their job is normally to be a handmaiden for the conscious self to pull up and retrieve specific data, memories, and so on, in service to the needs of the conscious self frequently during the day. But that does not mean there will not be other explorations going on beyond the self, as within the akashic records, and checking on the collective unconscious repository as well as going into the near future, particularly, to see what is upcoming. So that was occurring while your conscious self was simply watching television during a time of relaxation, but seeing something alarming caused it to float up into your awareness, so the information was meaningful only in the sense it was a consciously perceived witnessing of both future as well as past events that were in resonance with one another.