This, indeed, is concerning and alarming as well. As you are seeing currently, in many parts of the world, the idea of "free speech" is conditional and highly constrained many times even in so-called "free countries" where there are arbiters of truth, often with government power, to find a way to sanction people for criticism of the powers that be, especially. But any kind of "wrong thinking" labeled as "in need of correction," will often be punished if that can be arranged to exclude them from having a voice in government, get them fired from their employment, and tar their name to make them an outcast, and so on. These are the tactics of the interlopers being imprinted on human society and doing their worst to wreak havoc, disrupt things, get people fighting with one another with a ramping up of tensions, outbreaks of civil unrest, and random acts of violence, in turn, causing reprisals and imprisonment.
This is a prescription for a worsening, if not disaster, where society can tear itself apart given enough intensity and bad blood developing that is reinforced by manipulated prejudiced beliefs of all kinds. It was the wisdom of the Founding Fathers in the United States, in protecting religion from government encroachment, that was seen as being needed to prevent suppression of religion. The wisdom was divinely inspired knowing this would be an ongoing aim of the interlopers, to further weaken humanity, and the possibility of rescue. After all, if you stop believing in the divine and stop asking for divine help, you will be on your own because we cannot step in unilaterally. This experiment in freedom must run its course. You have the freedom to let yourselves be destroyed—the government will be there to help you do it if you let that happen as well.
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