DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolWhen we do Lightworker Healing Protocol sessions, is this one way Creator has devised to give “Grace” for healing? Does this reduce the severity and duration of the karmic repayment?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This is a beautiful question because it goes to the heart of things quite nicely. There is a reason you are here talking with us, sharing the information, to make it available to a broader world. That is inherent in the creation of the Lightworker Healing Protocol in all it contains. In its wisdom and elegance in compiling a series of divine interventions that can be requested by anyone, that are capable of removing many kinds of outside interference from a human being directly, as well as other targets of importance to humans—their companion animals, their other natural life forms of critical importance to their world, the crops, even the things of beauty sharing the world with you, all are part of Creator's plan to create a beautiful habitat for humans to flourish and glory in the possibility of life and the interplay with their origin as an extension of a loving Creator. There is no greater joy possible than to be at a high level of awareness of this reality. The average human is heavily burdened by prior trauma through many, many lifetimes, hundreds of lifetimes on average, most of which were shortened as a consequence of the slings and arrows of life burdening them repeatedly and creating a mountain of unsolved problems and energetic liability that manifested in a weakening—often through multiple means, including chronic illness, the many interventions by the interlopers to darken the world with the introduction of predators, the infectious organisms that continue to plague human existence, and the corruption of human thought, belief, and interactions on multiple levels, and the stranglehold on truth conveyed through forms of information exchange, and the addition of corrupting beliefs and information through subliminal subconscious programming, on and on it goes. All of these events have a consequence. The wounding of the soul extension each person represents, they carry with them, and it is maintained on record for all of time. That is a karmic consequence—meaning the causal factor in your future, because the energies are projected forward and will influence the remainder of your life, in all likelihood, and lives beyond this one. This is a mounting problem and a growing burden. This very thing is at the heart of the Lightworker Healing Protocol in what it addresses. It includes requests for healing in the same way for all of the lifeforms in an unfortunate circumstance, and this includes the perpetrators—the causes of it all—the dark spirits possessing multiple extraterrestrial races who comprise the dark Extraterrestrial Alliance actually running the world from behind the scenes with the assistance of dark spirit possession to corrupt, undermine, and increase vulnerability of human beings to other manipulations into a growing burden of suffering that resonates through the karmic consequences of their inability to heal it. Once something is healed it is completed, energetically, and its consequence. If unhealed, it will persist indefinitely for all of time as a portion of the universe out of alignment. Karma and the Law of Karma are a balancing mechanism to restore order and to restore balance in all things. This is automatic and is a demand of the universe to see to. This is largely unaddressed and has been (unaddressed) all through human history. All the attempts at healing fall far short of what is possible, because when people request assistance through ignorance, that ignorance will constrain the divine solution that can be offered. This is one of the consequences of the human free will, in living their lives they must be responsible for all that happens and all that does not happen. This may seem unfair, but it is how you will learn and grow, and the great treasure bestowed in the exercise of learning through doing, and that is the best learning possible, and the one truly effective in the end. Having this Protocol available to request divine help in a thoughtful, planful, integrated and comprehensive fashion, working from A to Z, so to speak, through the host of sources of negativity that can befall a person, and to set them right as done by divine agents coming to assist, taking the responsibility for the healing to be conducted in the most elegant of fashions, meaning it is done through and by the divine realm, allows many possibilities scarcely able to be comprehended by human beings and will stretch the ability to believe, of many hearing the details of what the Protocol launches forth, particularly in its ability to know who did what to whom through all of time, and to go through all of time to trace that person's doings, who is the target needing assistance of the session, to undo the wrongs of history as well as future history in the making from the large aggregate of parallel lifetimes, hundreds for each person that are ongoing simultaneously. This is why it is repeated again and again that time is an illusion, because the simultaneity of existence means exactly that, the past is happening concurrently with the present reality experienced by the human being incarnated, as well as future lifetimes running concurrently, and all of these along with the current life have future extensions which are a potential already coming forth from everything taking place to provide the impetus for a future reality. It is already unfolding in a preliminary form, but nonetheless real, and with energetic consequences. Through the looping of time, all of those realities will circle to-and-fro to reach a person in their present existence and influence them in subtle, or not so subtle, ways. This is all a healing need and is the driving force for most physical illness and many emotional difficulties, as well as life circumstances of all kinds: the inability to be successful, the inability to find a love partner, the difficulty in becoming a successful professional in some capacity. All of the qualities that help a person prevail can be undermined through negative karmic history to bring them down in some way and degrade their capabilities. The first order of business is to heal what has happened to create these negative potentials, then a person can be raised up and start on a higher plateau from thenceforth, and make something better develop in their future. That is what the Lightworker Healing Protocol is designed to do, to attack the problem directly through multiple approaches, implemented in an integrated fashion, to systematically locate and remove all of the roadblocks, the speed bumps, the barriers to growth and evolution of the soul, and this takes into account a vast array of influencers, all of whom will receive healing in some way or another, to raise up the targets of the session without harm to others. This is a tall order and why it is a divine-level undertaking. It is not something that could be turned over to a physician or even to a spiritual leader or counselor. The process is vastly more complicated than humans can comprehend. The Protocol has a distillation of the instructions and it leaves the outline of intention for each of the interventions, and that is the key to its applicability, appropriateness and level of success. Everything the divine does on the behalf of human flows from the intention of humans in order for it to be enacted. What we do at our own choosing must be very subtle and indirect in keeping with the rules of engagement to hold humans responsible for all that happens as rulers of their kingdom. This is a gift of freedom unprecedented in the universe, and that is also why it is not so easy. It is a new idea, and inherent in everything new is a level of uncertainty and the essence of a state of incompletion. This is what you are working on with the human enterprise, to complete the learning needed to grapple with the reality of personal freedom—total freedom to choose everything about your existence and thus shape your individual reality. The fact this can be implemented by the divine is only information. It is the human practitioner learning how to use the Protocol and then taking that tool and choosing to implement it to call forth the divine in a systematic, effective manner that will be the change-agent for humanity to save it from a dark fate and create the possibility of a glorious future.