These events all took place, although in and of themselves had only a minor effect on the election itself, but they are indicative of the degree of lawlessness that exists on the part of many in both major political parties willing to do almost anything to sabotage the chances of their opposition. The standards of ethical conduct have dropped to ever-lower levels as the years go by. This is owing to the alien corruption of human thinking and morality done via mind control, so it is understandable that people will not hesitate to take matters into their own hands when they see an opportunity to do something they think will help the party they are most in sympathy with, even though what they contemplate doing is in the category of dirty tricks if not frankly illegal. These are yet more examples of a lack of divine alignment creating a platform for a malevolent influence to be inserted. This is how bad things not only happen to good people but are done by good people, often without thinking about the deeper meaning and consequences to their own soul, let alone society.
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