DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolCan healing be done directly on the akashic records of the person to alter the energetic signature others look at to size them up? For example, can someone who is frequently bullied have their energy signature of being a victim healed and replaced with something neutral so they are not as frequently targeted?
Nicola Staff asked 7 years ago
You had a brilliant insight here in perceiving the possibility that the day-to-day problem of the bullying victim is that so many will see this energetic signature and be motivated to attack them (much as the proverbial “waving the red flag” in front of the bull will cause it to charge). The question then becomes: Is it useful and possible to simply change the label and in that way shield the bullying victim from having all of their sordid history so visibly apparent and thereby inviting those who desire to torment others to jump in and use them as a target? The answer is yes, this can be done. And it is not really a form of cheating or a superficial answer for the deep healing that is truly needed. It is not that it will result in deep healing to do this surface rearrangement of energy. But that is not the purpose being sought. The purpose being sought is to allow the person privacy with regard to their personal history and vulnerabilities and that is perfectly acceptable and allowable within the rules. It is no different than dressing one’s finest in order to be more acceptable in polite company, in a fancy gathering, so you are seen to be knowledgeable and culturally appropriate and appropriately respectful of others by appearing in your finery so as not to insult anyone, as “dressing down,” so to speak, is usually taken as a sign of disrespect or ignorance on the part of the individual. So this is simply doing a bit of cosmetic repair to make someone more acceptable socially. That is not dishonest, it is simply choosing to put one's best foot forward, so to speak, in recognition of cultural imperatives to fit in and be a good citizen and to not pose a problem for anyone. And by protecting oneself, the potential victim then becomes a member of society in a functional way and that does assist all beings, to the extent that one among them is not suffering and causing another, who might harm them, an opportunity to take advantage and exploit them for their weakness and then being drawn out of alignment and give in to their darker impulses. So to have privacy and to have a public image acceptable to others always helps more than oneself. So this would be a fine undertaking, to make a request for a reassignment of the energy in the energetic signature of their akashic records so that the first level of inspection will see them to have had healing to put them in alignment with their fellow humans, and they will see that their energies are in good order and not in disarray. And that will be of great help as people will make a good first impression. There is nothing wrong with this. And it is no different than being on one's best behavior in a job interview, or visiting a new love’s family for the first time and minding one's manners and being polite, and respectful, and engaging. There will follow, inevitably, further encounters during which someone's shortcomings will, inevitably, be on display. So they cannot fool people forever. But the idea here is not to be an imposter about one's own life and a phony, but rather, to simply get along and not make waves. And this is no different than pulling oneself together to not alarm those around them with a display of uncontrolled sobs when one might be feeling grief. People rightfully avoid having company or going into a public place when they are out of control emotionally because they know this will be distressing to others, and will create a spectacle, and they will be judged as being a nuisance (in most cases), if not a cause of pity, which no one truly wants. So this is only being a good citizen, to have your environment tidy and your dwelling visible to the public meeting community standards for maintenance and for good housekeeping. So a simple request to balance the energies visible within the energetic signature of the akashic record (so that they will fit into society and appear to be acceptable) is simply giving them a nicer outfit to put on as they go out and about, and is within the rules.