We cannot share the details here in essentially blowing the whistle on human activities, only to say that the perception of these events causing major harm was accurate and is an important karmic trauma that is added to a series of things, starting in other lifetimes when he was attacked in a similar fashion. So this is a culmination of a long-term conflict that is playing out for parties involved with your client and his life which have put him at risk and may continue to do so. The LHP is holding much in abeyance and having a beneficial effect on the perpetrators as well as the client himself. That is its strength, that it takes into account all of the sources of influence giving rise to the major problems at hand. So the progress you see with his symptoms is due to the LHP work because it is working to deal with the deep karmic issues. That does take time and there are certain aspects difficult to arrange because of inner blocks within the client’s mind, as negative beliefs will get in the way and can block implementing divine healing even, because of free will considerations. So he is a candidate to have some HMR with deep subconscious channeling and this will help with some belief work also, if this can be supported by the family.
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