You are perceiving an important prayer principle, that the prayers of human beings can be repurposed if not needed in the moment, and the precise details of the implementation, while blocked from ignoring a specific request in favor of something else, when open-ended, gives a great deal of latitude to the divine realm to use it in a specific fashion, provided there are specific prayers underway from the human side that can be taken as a reference and a guide to something humans would like to see. So as long as a general prayer for the betterment of something encompasses or is encompassed by a specific prayer, the two can be blended up to a certain level. That we cannot describe for you because the equation, so to speak, is far too complex and you do not have a depth of understanding mechanistically about prayer energy to begin with to make such a discussion intelligible. But you are quite correct that there is a way for us to utilize prayer, even vague, ill-defined, broad, non-specific prayers, and apply them to specific circumstances, either independently through our own judgment or in collaboration with other humans offering prayers with a greater degree of specificity. The key is that the two sources of prayer are harmonizing with one another in a significant way so as not to rob the energy of one to benefit the other, but to achieve the spirit of what was intended on behalf of both parties.
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