We would say you are overinterpreting things a bit here. This is not a disparagement at all except in contrast to the difference represented by good versus evil. There are many distinctions and those who are corrupt will see things differently than those who are not. The divine is often passive and allowing, gentle and forgiving, non-aggressive and unassuming, whereas the minions of the dark are the opposite—rapacious, domineering, selfish and even cruel, ruthless and unrelenting, insensitive and completely uncaring, devoid of love and compassion. When you see things in these terms it makes it easier to understand why a description like "The Lamb of God" was applied. It was meant to be a representation of a gentle, loving nature, born of innocence but carrying within the full potential that growth can bring about. There are many parallel analogies one could make, such as the innocence of youth which may bring with it, unavoidably, inherent weakness, but when the exercise is to be on a divine path the lack of corruption it represents is a strength and an asset rather than a liability.
The lack of appreciation for the power of love is a mistake repeated over and over again, and has been all through history both by believers and non-believers in the divine. This is simply in part a misunderstanding and in part a lack of the right life experience to illustrate the true meaning of love in full flower and what it can do to advance the cause of truth. Human culture has been so warped from living under the direct control and manipulation of corrupted leaders working from the playbook of the interlopers and their loveless nature, there are few historical precedents illustrating a dramatic success of divine principles as implemented by humanity. The examples are there but are almost overshadowed by examples of corruption and evildoers gaining the upper hand and wreaking havoc despite the best intentions of those with a lofty notion. This can’t be helped by humans, considering their state of ignorance and disconnection from the divine and having to live through faith and hope alone in many trying times with little tangible to fall back on. It is a miracle in many ways you are still here, but that is owing to your origin as divine beings as well as the persisting link by enough of you to enjoy a divine partnership that assists you again and again, individually and collectively, enough to keep you going.
Love is on the ascendency. It may be a race against time but the race is far from over, even though you may be rounding the far turn and heading into the home stretch and are currently behind. This is our call to action to counter complacency among you and remind you of your duty, your commitment you made before incarnating, and even to be a part of this new human family intended for great things but currently bogged down in a quagmire created by the evildoers who wish to harm you. You can act to change things, that is the important thing to know.
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