Doing LHP work on the whole cast of characters would be in order to carry out, to augment the healing already underway from the prior work. This is a situation that is the result of deeply ingrained corruption and as such will take time and much ongoing healing work to help resolve. Repeat sessions will add strength of intention and make the repeat sessions on automatic pilot, so to speak, more effective in the bargain—that is always worth doing in these kinds of cases. So including all those who are in a position to influence rulings and the ultimate disposition of living arrangements, time with the mother that is allowed, and potentially a moderation of the custody ruling are possible but this will be a challenge. Going to war with the system comes with high cost as well as high uncertainty. The darkness will fight back; sometimes it can make things worse because attempts to rein things in and make changes to undo the power over the victim will create a backlash that adds greater difficulty.
So we do not intend to direct the course of action here, but more to reassure the mother she is doing what she can and has come to GetWisdom through divine guidance as this is the best avenue for bringing help to her daughter. The major goal needs to be her survival, to come out the other end intact when she is finally free of legal controls over her living arrangements and can make her own decisions. That can be achieved despite the fear and anguish one naturally feels when young children are at risk like this. There will be better times ahead.
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