This is a karmic dilemma your deep subconscious is reacting to, situations and circumstances in a parallel life that are being stirred up through a resonance with ongoing life challenges. The LHP is working on this but indirectly. That is always the case. It must approach things gently and from the outside working in towards the middle, because of the number of interdependent linkages of influence that bear not only upon you from the circumstances of the prior episodes in question, but an influence on many others as well, and to heal you, requires readjusting their lives in myriad ways. That is the nature of the time demand and slow pace of things in many cases. You can help to pave the way by enlisting the help of your channel to do subconscious channeling with trauma resolution. This can help take the edge off and dampen things down and will enable a more rapid divine healing than would otherwise be the case, by revising some negative inner beliefs that are holding up some of the progress to achieve what you want to have happen.
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