You are not restricted to the "Dreamworks" prayer alone. You can ask for other kinds of interactions and maneuvers to be done during dreamtime as well, of the type you mention here. There will be variable effectiveness and limits on what can be arranged to happen, but keep in mind that dreams are a projection of the deep subconscious coming into higher levels of the subconscious as a kind of interplay among the levels of the mind. So there can be a maneuver started at the deepest level that comes up into higher levels, and will draw on higher levels of the client’s faculties to enable doing more beneficial promotion of self-healing than you might think. You are used to experiencing dreams but not in controlling them. So, much in the same way as thoughts can be interacted with by an outside consciousness, dreams can be interacted with also, and a dream, in fact, initiated to have a certain plot line. The same can be done for a therapeutic intervention to introduce the idea of working on an issue of concern and guiding the subconscious mind to find a way to connect to the dilemma, usually a past trauma, and then to self-create a resolution that would satisfy the needs of that moment, and then suggestions given to resolve the dilemma energetically in reenacting the scene and applying a self-healing that will go out to the akashic records to change the energetic signature, as you do with Holographic Memory Resolution, and that can be quite effective. So both of these additions would be a valuable adjunct. As you know, anything that can be done to encourage the mind of the client itself to promote self-healing will extend the reach of the divine realm, because it is limited by the client’s mind in holding onto the client’s problems and self-limiting beliefs.
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