There is nothing more sinister behind the fall of the angelics than their own self-corruption, starting from indulging their ego to an unhealthy degree, and this becoming a downward spiral and a very slippery slope from which they were unable to recover. There are two main difficulties in reversing things. The first is the corruption has become so extreme it has necessitated that we cut them off from divine support. This is for the partial protection of the many other beings who they harm. We will not stop all of them through arranging their demise, but leave that to their own choices. There is still the possibility of healing, and this is one of the tasks we have given to the divine human, to send love and compassion for them in the form of a rescue to enable them to be sent into a rehabilitation program to give them a last chance to change their thinking. The best way we can describe the difficulty here is with a comparison to the human sociopath. They have reached a point in corruption where they are truly beyond the pale, they are without a conscience, and loveless beings, and unable to feel any compassion for others whatsoever. So repairing a fallen angelic being successfully, is a daunting challenge and is underway for many, many, many, such spirits starting with the advent of the Lightworker Healing Protocol. There have always been some practitioners seeking the protection from evil, but very few seeking healing for the darkness itself. And in most cases, it came in the form of a general request with no specifics and no higher awareness of how healing is best conducted. That is what makes the Lightworker Healing Protocol availability a game changer in the equation.
The other major reason why the fallen angelic spirits do not consider a return to the divine for their rescue is they have been programmed to fear the light, to fear the Almighty in the same way that humans have been programmed to fear God’s judgment. So perpetrators with much blood on their hands, fear their eventual death because they fear God’s judgment and the prospect of eternal damnation and suffering. These troubled fallen angelic spirits are convinced that is their fate, and in fact, that the light will destroy them directly. So with a dark propaganda campaign of long standing convincing the fallen angelics the light is a threat and will be their undoing, they will simply not risk trying to work their way back into a position of good standing through allowing any kind of dialogue with true light beings. Their only hope is the divine human seeking help for them through the divine energy in partnership.
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