The best way to help her would be to do subconscious channeling with trauma resolution, as that would, at long last, enable reaching the deepest core issues and experiences of the abuse that do extend from other lifetimes as well as the current life. This would not be dangerous or difficult because it would be outside her conscious awareness and would not precipitate a crisis. The thing to realize is, she thinks about these past experiences of trauma on a regular basis. They are a part of her daily experience to be ruminating on episodes of abuse, many quite extreme and life-altering. So not only is this nothing new, it is a constant feature of her existence and the only way to resolve this is to work directly with the deep subconscious that is unreachable by the conscious self, and will not be helped by any other therapeutic approach. So we are being forthright here because we understand that this might be a challenge for the mother to accept, and she will naturally be reluctant to see her daughter engage in something she might feel is unconventional and untested, but we see this as very manageable and will be a source of great help for the daughter that can come in no other way. It is simply the legacy she has inherited, as it is her karmic history that has put her into this position. Her current state of being was triggered by the parental abuse in the current lifetime, but it was greatly magnified by the reality of past karma piling on to worsen things, and make the injury much deeper and more intractable. This is the only way to gain fuller healing to benefit her.
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