You are doing good here and your family especially needs you. You also need yourself because you are facilitating much karmic repair for all that has happened. That can only happen while in earth plane, so the longer you stick it out and keep the healing work underway, the better off you will be. Yes, there are potential risks of further entanglement but that will lessen as well with the healing that is ongoing, and that is the goal, to ultimately have you separate and distance you from the Extraterrestrial Alliance and its plans. If that is successful, there is nothing to fear from the future come what may. Yes, you might be present for dark times but that is something you would weather and would soon be over and a non-issue. What matters is what you do between now and that possible eventuality. With all that is ongoing and what you are contributing to, that may never come about, so to be premature and pessimistic in thinking the priority needs to be to escape as a preventive measure may well be overkill, in a quite literal sense, that is not needed, and then you will have lost out, as well as all those who you will be helping—not only yourself and your loved ones, but the many other beings who are helped by each and every Protocol session you launch.
So we would suggest you stay the course here because you are doing so well and you are engaged in useful work and not simply sidelined by suffering and unable to function and being all on your own and too overburdened with woundings to have any comfort or relief from relentless tormenting going on to punish, and so forth. There are people in such a category that would be potential candidates to simply leave as the lesser of evils. For them the healing needs are so great it may not be worth the effort sticking it out, but we do not see that as so for you.
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