Once again, your client is asking for direction and ignoring the message he has been given, that we are unable to give personal investment advice nor point people towards a particular path or change in direction unilaterally. This would be a big tip-off, a big sign from on high about a particular direction to head as being highest and best, and then it would be us and not the client himself who is, in effect, making the decision by putting the signpost there clearly for him to follow.
So again, we must give the responsibility back to your client for him to sort through his options and practice following his own instincts and following his heart to make the best choices he can. This is how everyone does it and how it must be, for people learn and grow through their own experiences they choose to have. You learn by doing. There will be guidance from within. That we can do, but cannot put it out in the open in writing because that is, in effect, creating marching orders that any reasonable person would feel compelled to follow and that is an abrogation of our duty to honor free will in an absolute fashion.
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