This is not necessary for a variety of reasons. First of all, ascension is not the idea of humans. It is Creator’s plan for humanity and has been all along, so this will be seen to by the divine realm and need not be requested actively, as opposed to repairing the many sources of injury and harm people do to one another or that is done to them by interlopers. That is lower-level human realm business and will not be opposed directly by the divine realm because all must be allowed due to free will. So this is a mixing and matching of outcomes desired, and the perception of this person on how best to get there.
It is a fairly prosaic human perspective that if humans must designate in detail issues needing to be addressed and ways in which the divine realm may elect to work on them, that, in addition, there must be a spoon-feeding of what humans need to hear and need to know in order to have a glorious future. The two are quite different. The needs of humans in wanting assistance with their lives are in reaction to quite real needs that are running very, very deep in their experience and throughout their history as well. This is the workings of karma, that many issues are created and become a chronic irritant, or worse, and these are major issues needing to be dealt with. The rush to ascension is all well and good but humans are simply not ready. It is quite premature to target this, in any respect, when so much more Earth level need is yet unmet—not to mention the presence of the many interlopers in your realm seeking your destruction. All of this must be dealt with first, in order for true progression in a majestic way to commence.
So we see the Protocol as focusing on all the right things, and as far as defense versus offense is concerned, this too is a human perspective. We see very much the reality that by using the Protocol, you are taking the offensive to create a backlash, not of punishment or war against your opponents, but a response to their tormenting to unleash divine love on them. This is not a small thing and it is the essence of all of the healing in all of its forms and all of the levels and specific circumstances and phenomena that are addressed by the Protocol. It is a tremendous outpouring of love that not only takes place in the here and now but extends throughout time in multiple times and places to track the targeted recipient in multiple lifetimes, past, present, and future. This is quite an assertive and aggressive response to the reality of human suffering, and is by no means passive and simply playing defense as is described. There is no better way to tame the beast than to heal it through love, to show it a better way to live its life, and encourage a withdrawal from the scene to leave humans to their own destiny and stop interfering in so many ways on a continual basis with human progress.
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