DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolCan you help us understand why [name withheld] feels no change in his pain and twitching after his Remote Spirit Releasement session?
Karen Gore Staff asked 7 years ago
This is a phenomenon you have seen many times before, that the body has a mind of its own and when it is in the habit of creating symptoms as told by higher consciousness, it will continue to do so until the instructions fade over time or are superseded in some way. As this is the wish of the being, we cannot simply switch it off, but we can bring in healing, and if asked to do so on a repeated basis can accelerate the fading of such symptoms and will do so for [name withheld], as you do wish this for him and will be including him in subsequent re-visits. So this we will work on behind-the-scenes and help to support him on his healing journey.