You can share with him that his father is safely in the light. His work is quite fine and he has no trouble in carrying out the sessions he intends at this level. The Protocol, as you have explained, takes into account the individual practitioner’s level of spiritual reach as a workaround for the beginner versus the more experienced hands or those who simply have more confidence. There needs to be a proportionality with the practitioner’s own sense of their abilities also. If they are taking on the world but feel this is overreaching, that can override the instructions here and result in some diminishment. So there is nothing wrong with working one’s way up, as he is doing in using groups of gradually increasing size and relying on the Protocol to give them priority, as this is how the Protocol is conducted. The client work most desired by the practitioner receives the first priority and the highest level of intention and that is a sound reason to not bite off more than one can chew, even though all will receive attention eventually. But his concerted efforts deserve the highest encouragement and knowing his work is highly effective.
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