DWQA QuestionsCategory: Coronavirus COVID-19Health care workers are particularly vulnerable to the coronavirus. Can a middle ground be achieved where a Lightworker Healing Protocol session is done for all health care workers working for a specific hospital, for example? This way there is more specificity than doing it for all health care workers, but not as much as naming a single individual. Is this a worthwhile approach to the problem for those practitioners wishing to focus on the issue?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
This is a fine idea. As we have said before, virtually anything can be requested through the Lightworker Healing Protocol. It is designed and organized to begin with requesting the Protocol be applied to the self and then to whomever the practitioner chooses to have as primary clients. The virtue of doing something like your example, to ask for a local health care center to receive special help, is perfectly fine as that target will be served first, and fresh on the heels of launching the intention, all others will receive some help as well because that is built into the Protocol. The greatest virtue of your example is that by targeting people and places of personal concern and personal interest to the client sponsoring the work, or the practitioner themselves, is that the extra incentive is there and will translate into a little more powerful intention for the healing to happen, and this will serve the intended clients and everyone else reached by the Protocol as well. This is an energetic exchange. If the Protocol is done in a cavalier way with little conviction, it will not be as effective and powerful as someone holding deep caring and concern for the recipients because, again, all interchanges between the human side and the divine are governed by human energy brought to bear. It is the human’s desire and intention that will determine everything that happens when they reach out to the divine realm.