This is an interesting thought experiment about the potential of altering human destiny by going into the past to prevent a key turning point in history. This indeed is quite possible. The problem is one of execution, as humans do not yet understand and have access to this technological capability for the transport of human beings into the past. This is known and practiced routinely by the Extraterrestrial Alliance and done for human recruits to the Mercenary Army Program on a routine basis. So, many humans have been time travelers to execute their duties for the Extraterrestrial Alliance through their being co-opted and subjugated by making them agree to join the ranks and serve under false cover stories that they are heroes serving the world and helping to keep the world safe from potential space invasion.
In actuality, they are being groomed as an army for annihilation of humanity itself. The time travel is used to facilitate training and to do work in the future to forestall a future beneficial destiny for humanity that is already underway and being done as we speak. It is an ongoing refinement that is taking place as they go back and forth to the future and back into the present and the past as well to manipulate things, and then see what changes in the future as a consequence, and in this way, are attempting to engineer their way to the effective elimination of humanity—this is a scenario they have done in the past with success.
Humans are proving to be a tougher challenge because of greater divine support and intervention, and this is owing to the importance of humanity and its persistence to the goal of the universe itself. This does not mean your future safety is guaranteed and your destiny certain. There is still much you must do as human beings to enable us to stem the tide and hold the line here with the Extraterrestrial Alliance. If you do your part, we will do ours, and that will make all the difference.
Whether the prevention of the assassination in and of itself would guarantee a rosy future with no further difficulty is unlikely. It would have calmed some of the chaos taking place during the Cold War, and uncertainty, and some of the war that was orchestrated to take place, but by itself, would not have prevented the Extraterrestrial Alliance persisting in their dark aims. It was certainly the case that one major potential doomsday scenario was prevented, and this was mostly the combination of Kennedy’s influence on the world during his presidency and even the assassination itself serving as a profound chilling effect on people everywhere to stand down from acts of evil, and so, that can be argued as more of a benefit than loss of the assassination itself. He certainly changed the world for the better, of that there is no question, it is a function of the details only as to how things would differ had he not lived and been in that role at that point in time. It is very likely humanity would already be extinct at this time.
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