DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial InterlopersWhether a species is invasive or not might depend on a number of factors. The European hare is considered a native species of Europe and a valuable one at that. But the same species imported into Australia has been disastrous. Google has this to say about the problem: “Rabbits are a serious environmental and agricultural pest in Australia. They were introduced for sport hunting in the late 18th century, but their rapid reproduction rate led to millions of rabbits. Rabbits cost the Australian economy over $200 million per year. They compete with livestock for food, damage crops, and destabilize the land. Rabbits overgraze, which can lead to soil erosion, the collapse of indigenous plants, and the decline of native animals. They may have also caused the extinction of several small ground dwelling mammals. Rabbits threaten the survival of more than 300 Australian native species, including 24 critically endangered species.” Are these rabbits truly native to Earth, or are they an interloper-introduced invasive species? If native, then is this a wholly human-created problem, or were the humans who brought them to Australia for “sport” influenced to do that by the interlopers? What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 23 hours ago
The European hare was a native species intended to supply a variety of beneficial influences on the environmental habitat. Nature itself is a testing ground for the variety of life forms it supports, humans included, so it is under the same pressures and uncertainty as human life, to keep going and thrive, and find ways to overcome unexpected challenges and turns for the worse that might arise. In the same fashion, the planet as a whole can heal and, in fact, does so again and again because of natural forces causing destruction or a degrading influence. So, in essence, you were put on a very fragile and unstable platform. You had everything you needed given to you at the outset but that belied the reality of your being vulnerable to outside influence. For the most part, natural phenomena at the dawn of your creation were tolerable and, with simple learning and intelligent avoidance based on hard-won life lessons, there were still plenty of regions of the world readily populated by human beings finding ways to cope and thrive given the natural resources available to them. So the fact that Australia has particular vulnerabilities due to its dry climate, and other constraints on what life forms can coexist and be successful, does not mean if a species intended for another kind of habitat can be a destructive influence, by being unopposed by competing species to keep it in check, as happened in the migration of the hare to Australia through artificial means, that this is an indicator of a failure in the system or the preplanning by us. We foresaw many such clashes would be forthcoming at all levels of life forms given the nature of all that preceded you as inhabitants of your galaxy. But we designed you to have the wherewithal to figure out the nature of the problem and devise solutions, provided you could stay in enough divine alignment with us to get our help and benefit from establishing a partnership. That is why it is so important to stay connected because you cannot do this entirely on your own. This is a good example, that common sense could be overridden by outside influence to manipulate people into creating a harmful invasive species problem. It has been true all through human history that people have been impulsed through mind control manipulation from extraterrestrial psychics to do all kinds of unwise, reckless, and dangerous things that, in hindsight, seem ill-considered and that is a kind of tell, that the minds were not open at the time to serious reflection and consideration of all the ramifications. Granted, in earlier eras people were not as sophisticated, as the knowledge of a given individual was restricted by not having traveled widely and gained awareness of the bigger picture with respect to geographical variation and the many variables regulating Gaia in the flora and fauna of a given region. But there were certainly many stories that various areas of the world are highly different in makeup. So in this instance, the naïveté of those humans arranging introduction of the European hare to the Australian continent was exploited by the interlopers, making this an easy target for manipulation and a worsening of things as is their consistent agenda when interacting with humanity.