DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial InterlopersIt seems with the advent of modern civilization, global media, and global travel, that the opportunity for the interlopers to introduce large land-based mammalian and reptilian creatures, like lions and crocodiles, has effectively expired. Such an introduction today would draw too much attention and be too much of an anomaly. Not so with anything aquatic or small, as in small insects and even birds. Same with any kind of plant life. So while we’re not being overrun globally with new mammoths and saber-toothed tigers, we are being overrun with almost every other kind of invasive species. Creator has previously commented on the “Beast of Gévaudan,” a very large and very vicious species of wolf. Was this the last time the interlopers tried to seriously introduce such a creature, and did they conclude that the opportunity to do this further had passed? What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 23 hours ago
What you are assuming here is quite literally true. For them to introduce a complex seemingly highly advanced species, like a four-legged carnivore, de novo with no precedent within nature of any kind through even folklore describing it, a fossil record confirming its prior physical existence, let alone recovery of frozen remains, for example, would be a shock to the system and cause much head-scratching and awkward questioning of existing knowledge and belief systems about where life comes from even. The extraterrestrials have fed you the myth of life having evolved over a great span of time but nonetheless step-by-step as a random sequence of processes that were incremental, largely, except for some lucky, more powerful changes in potential that occasionally caused a leap in development for certain species compared to others, but nonetheless with no overarching design and set of inherent potentials predetermined by a guiding force. To suddenly have an advanced seeming life form, by normal human criteria, appear out of nowhere goes against the myth of natural selection with a very gradual building of complexity over millions to billions of years. Because supporting the idea of evolution is, indeed, a very handy tool to disparage religious beliefs in the idea of a Creator and a creation event being responsible for life on Earth, the interlopers know that the more spiritual you become, the more trouble it is for them. They have no beliefs in the divine themselves, so they think this is simply a kind of cultural phenomenon of the human species akin to wanting fairness and to be do-gooders, ideas quite foreign to them. So they see it not as special, or an indication of a higher power at work, but simply another example of humans engaging in a collective fantasy of having things work out through an outside influence and, even though the extraterrestrials do not believe for a moment such things will happen, they know if humans come into a state of alignment with one another, even for an act of folly, they might be motivated to keep at it and cause trouble for the extraterrestrial puppet masters. They know humans can absorb more adversity and take it in stride the more they are focused on a spiritual endeavor. They see it as humans living in a kind of bubble, not that you are seeing and embracing a higher truth, which is actually the case. Unfortunately, to the interlopers, bubbles are for bursting. They might even contribute to what they see as "false beliefs" but simply to raise the ante before they pull the rug out some way to cause harm and leave people disillusioned and heartbroken that their high hopes and beliefs in God seem to have failed them. The interlopers love playing that game, and that is why the Secular Movement has taken hold and gained ground because there is so much unnatural interference with human culture. The more it causes people to get out of divine alignment, the less we can help them because they will be less able to call on us with enough belief to provide a level of intention we can use as fuel to help save them.