DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial InterlopersInvasive Asian Carp is yet another problem affecting rivers in the United States. This fish is a prolific feeder, like the zebra mussel, and outcompetes native fish and aquatic life. It has the unusual behavior of leaping in vast numbers when the water is disturbed. Many people have been injured and even a few killed as a result. Where and why did this species acquire this unusual behavior? How long has it been here on Earth altogether—decades, centuries, or millennia? What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 23 hours ago
This species is, indeed, an interloper brought by interlopers introducing it to the Earth to be a kind of scourge. Any species like this which has more aggressive behavior and more resilience and ability to thrive will upset the ecosystem and cause long-term degradation that will build into a growing downward spiral. This the extraterrestrials know well because it has happened in their worlds through karmic consequences of their evil. We have created many of these aggressive and obnoxious species as living examples of the consequences of negativity. They are intended as an object lesson for learning by the extraterrestrials of the consequences of negativity through departure from divine alignment. So the Asian carp is an example of a species more suited for the extraterrestrial worlds where achieving an exalting in power is the order of the day and the uppermost goal. Being apex predators themselves, they delight in spreading such species to worlds like the Earth they wish to subjugate. It is fun for them to see a predatory species so emblematic of their dark nature and priorities, in the skies, seas, and lakes of the Earth. That is why you see killer birds like the falcon and the eagle, vicious and huge reptiles like alligators and crocodiles, and the savage carnivores like lions and tigers—all species created for the alien worlds. The intention of the interlopers in bringing them to the Earth is solely to give you another problem to contend with so they can watch you suffer solely for their amusement and gratification. That is a perversity of the worst kind but is a useful measure of their depravity as fair warning about what you must contend with to succeed in your mission to improve things.