The story is just as it would appear. The words in the Scripture are as meaningful as any others in the Bible. Things begin and end with us. The more you learn from us, the more knowledgeable you will be, the more efficient, the more competent, and the more successful you will be in your growth and learning, and the safer your journey will become, and there is much to be concerned with, given your assignment to solve the rise of evil in your galaxy. If you look at the contrast between some of the core teachings revealed as divine revelation by GetWisdom through your channeling, and what is going on in the world, you can see at once the tremendous need for an awakening and a return to partnering with the Creator in all you do as the gateway to finding a way to live better, to thrive, and to surmount the challenges you face. That will not happen in a vacuum, nor will it happen with misinformation and disinformation absorbed through mind control manipulation that is the rule, not the exception, in sculpting human culture.
The Dark Extraterrestrial Alliance is working diligently to exclude spirituality altogether from your awareness because they know it leads to trouble for them the more spiritual you become. So it is, indeed, the key—getting divine wisdom, incorporating it into your thinking, awareness, and beliefs. Brian Kelly was inspired to seize on that very short but pungent instruction because it was, indeed, coming from on high. It invites you to join us in thinking lofty thoughts and striving to engage in lofty deeds, but first must come the knowledge to work with, to understand what happens in the world and why, what one can do about it, and how to go about getting help when your own resources prove unequal to the task, all of which requires a high level of discernment and enough intuitive awareness to truly find truth in a sea of ignorance and disinformation deliberately bombarding you to keep you in the dark. So, we are quite happy you took this to heart in embracing as the name the name of your group, "Get Wisdom," with its deeper meaning and the all-encompassing nature of your enterprise. It is fitting because it could not be more important, as an embodiment of divine wisdom, to learn from us so as to fill in the many gaps in human knowledge given the thousands of years of manipulation, subjugation, and suppression humanity has been subjected to by the interlopers.
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