The story of your dear departed friend is an important one because the relationship of people and their companion animals is, indeed, a special and divine one. They are here as agents of the divine, after all, to be spiritual companions, first and foremost, in the highest sense that love is what we are comprised of and use as our operating energy in all we do. So it is evident that the loss of a companion animal to ill-health or old age is a tragic loss to the human left behind, but that is the human perspective. While grief is normal, we can assure you life does go on, and this is true for the companion animals as well as human beings. Your dear pet is in the light and extremely happy. She treasures your friendship and her time with you and feels it was well spent. She is still bonded to you and will remain so. As long as you think of and care for her, she will be there for you. You will see her again, in fact, when your time comes to transition. That simply speaks to what we are saying, that the love bond between humans and their companion animals is real and quite strong because of its divinity.
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