This can happen if the animal is somewhat out of alignment, and that is more true when the animal is in a state of ill-health or emotional disturbance bringing it out of alignment. Normally, animals receive and will be guided effectively by the divine with respect to their service as companions. They have free will choice, like humans, and can decide their time of transition, and this will be allowed. So it is up to the animal to stay or go in the face of a decline or adversity of any kind, and that was the case with your dear canine who had significant health problems, and then was unhappy when left with another person who moved into your very bedroom and, in the mind of your dog, made it her home and not yours as though you would not be returning. So this was a double negative in her way of thinking, that she was struggling to maintain her life to begin with and felt the loss of you and your dear wife when you went away. So in view of the fact she was simply in a holding pattern because of her declining health, it was just as well, in terms of her welfare, to make a break even though it was painful to all concerned. The good news, of course, is she is back with you as your current dog, having reincarnated, and you were guided by us to find her at a breeder and adopt her. So, she enjoys a new life in a healthier body and the love relationship goes on.
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