DWQA QuestionsCategory: Limiting BeliefsThemistocles (thuh·mist-uh·kleez) said: “I have with me two gods, Persuasion and Compulsion.” Jenny Mollen said, “I think the power of persuasion would be the greatest superpower of all time.” Aesop said, “Persuasion is often more effectual than force.” And James Altucher (All-tuh-chur) said, “Most people don’t have the power of persuasion.” Does this explain why so many turn to compulsion instead? What is Creator’s perspective on persuasion versus coercion, and persuasion as a superpower?
Nicola Staff asked 1 day ago
This issue is at the crux of the human dilemma, being at once connected and a family, and an extension of our consciousness, and thus divine, but also being an independent force of your own, separate physically, as far as your ordinary senses can tell you, and having to make your way in a world that presents many obstacles and many hazards. Given the privilege of free agency and free will, you are, in essence, forced to make your way largely on your own, and by virtue of your capabilities and how you interact with one another, especially in the modern world where everyone is largely dependent on others for much of their needs. The days of self-sufficiency are long gone, in most areas of the world with modern commerce and technology, where routine functions, like agriculture, are done on a massive scale, to serve the many, and few have an independent ability to survive on their own without the help of others to provide goods and services of all kinds. The family structure as well, is the first circle of influence and involvement with the broader humanity a newcoming soul will encounter when they incarnate into the physical. In essence, each individual must win over others to be a full-fledged member of the clan, or family grouping, and not be ignored or ostracized, or even cast out through force. This calls for many life skills and much knowledge to be obtained to keep up with expectations of growth and maturation, as well as phasing into a more mature adult role to be self-sustaining and a functional contributor to the group one belongs to, as well as being a good citizen in your community, and perhaps involved with one or more other organizations, and must devote time and attention and energy to their needs. In every encounter, one is jockeying for position to get something or give something. That is the essence of existence, having interactions and opportunities to give something of the self or gain something through the gifts of others. When this is orchestrated by love, things go smoothly. When there are lower vibrations due to the buildup of frustration, injury, or mistreatment, the strained relationships may deteriorate further and lead to mayhem at extremes. The art of living is learning how to get along, be a part of things, if not a leader, and that requires talents of various kinds, both to have something to offer as well as being seen by others as worthy of their attention and gifting of things in return. The skills required to do this involve, many times, the choice between persuasion and a more forceful approach when it seems called for. This is where people are truly challenged, when there is an obstacle of some kind or something is lacking in their lives and they must go begging or go looking, and then might need to persuade others to let them in the door, so to speak, to have a turn, to have a place, perhaps a job within an organization, in order to gain income. All along the way the expectation is, there will be growth, learning, and advancement. People strive in their career to achieve a higher rung in a corporate ladder or, within a smaller organization, to have greater responsibility and a raise in pay, and ultimately perhaps achieve a supervisory position with extra perks and, for some, even take over control of the business as their legacy. There are very few sole proprietors who do not require, still, many in assistance and, certainly in the wider world, customers and clients who appreciate them and what they do. So having the ability to make one's way and navigate what may at times be treacherous waters when conflicts arise and people compete with one another or are in opposition, becomes a true test of strength, ability, as well as divine alignment. You can be sure that whatever takes place that represents something of importance in your life, it will be recorded in the akashic records along with an energetic signature and an accounting of who did what to whom, who gave something and who took something, who coerced someone else to get favored status or a gain of some kind at the other's expense, and who cooperated and assisted others to further mutual interests but including others as well as the self. So this is a basic yardstick used again and again and again from day to day, and even moment to moment, as a measure of individual divinity.