DWQA QuestionsCategory: Limiting BeliefsAnother successful sales guru made a fortune selling heavy stainless steel cookware door to door. (A direct form of cold calling that predates the telephone). He frequently recounted one sale he made where the woman initially slammed the front door on him and, in response, he went around to the back door to apologize for knocking on the front door. He was so charming and disarming, that the woman felt bad about mistreating him and consented to listening to his presentation as a way to make amends. She ended up buying the very expensive cookware he was selling. We are confronted with the dilemma of his apology being “insincere,” because he certainly felt no remorse about knocking on her front door at all, much less her back door after she made it clear she didn’t want to interact with him. What is Creator’s perspective on this anecdote, and what positive and negative divine lessons can we learn from it?
Nicola Staff asked 1 day ago
We do not wish to categorize all business offerings as a kind of morally tainted manipulation. The devil, as always, is in the details, but the basic idea of intruding on people means that the very nature of the door-to-door salesman is on a slippery slope to begin with and leads often to this kind of circumstance where people end up being preyed upon and taken advantage of, perhaps because of their good nature, and end up spending money they could use more wisely elsewhere because they have been persuaded to buy something not really needed but could not resist when they were put in a position creating an apparent need to please someone else. So there are countless circumstances and many nuances with respect to the morality and consequential karmic significance of what people do for a living and its influence on others. This example you have given illustrates water seeking its own level because, indeed, this salesperson in that relentless pursuit of a seemingly reluctant prospect was totally self-serving.