DWQA QuestionsCategory: Limiting Beliefs“Breaking the ice” is a phrase in common usage. The online Free Dictionary defines the term this way: “To do something as a means of reducing or eliminating shyness, awkward tension, or unfamiliarity.” So much of persuasion founders on this “iceberg” that the term is quite an ingenious summation of a common problem requiring great skill to master. When someone knows or learns how to “break the ice” effectively, the world is literally their oyster. This is clearly a very important “art of living” skill and lesson that so many people would benefit from mastering but struggle with intensely. What divine insight can Creator share about this common dilemma and challenge?
Nicola Staff asked 1 day ago
Here we have the opposite extreme in contrast to the brash salesperson who may have no qualms about intruding on the privacy of others to get their attention, and will manipulate them as much and for as long as they need to in order to get a sale. Hence the term, "getting a foot in the door," to literally block the ability of their sales prospect to say no. Many people are intimidated by others because of a state of anxiety, or simply lack of life experience leading to hesitation that creates a source of anxiety and becomes self-perpetuating when confronted by strangers, especially in a setting where they might feel the need to perform in some way. So there are many circumstances in the course of daily life where people are put in positions where they need to hold their own, if not take a leadership role in some kind of useful exchange, in providing knowledge, information, or requesting something either for personal benefit or on behalf of an organization they work for. Loneliness is one of the worst of human dilemmas because it is an inhuman existence given your makeup that, "No one is an island." So the art of living requires finding the inner wherewithal to do some kind of outreach, if only to engage with the invitation of another actively enough to have a successful interchange. So this is, indeed, a basic requisite of having a happy life, to learn how to be cordial and fit in with others, perhaps making small talk as a sign of recognition and respect for the presence of someone else. Being a wallflower might be a need for self preservation by a highly anxious person, but it may also be seen by others as a sign they are being rejected by the wallflower who ignores them, and thus there is a lost opportunity because nothing gets started. So we see the ability to break the ice as not only important but sometimes essential because it is an indicator of inner wherewithal, starting with having enough self confidence to engage because a person feels they do have something to offer. This reflects a healing need when there is great difficulty in being able to deal with others comfortably and hold one's own. The inability to find a way to fit in, to engage meaningfully, to gain recognition and basic acceptance, and become a part of a gathering or group, or even a party to a one-on-one exchange, is a liability needing a healing intervention and will often have deep karmic roots from past trauma leaving a person with deep inner wounds contributing to the lack of wherewithal limiting them.