DWQA QuestionsCategory: Limiting BeliefsLike so many things dragging us down in this world, an inability to master the art of persuasion has to be up there pretty high on the list. How much of this is a deep healing need requiring divine intervention to resolve? How can Empowered Prayer, the Lightworker Healing Protocol, Deep Subconscious Mind Reset, and Divine Life Support help to heal the barriers to becoming a persuasive individual? How can divine partnership ensure that the power of persuasion is used to uplift rather than abuse?
Nicola Staff asked 1 day ago
While some people suffer from an excess of personality, having an overexuberant nature making them irrepressible, and thus quite willing to engage with others and end up imposing on them, most people have the opposite problem because they are beaten down by life in so many ways, so much of the time, with things being set up to be always a competition. This is the end result of the subjugation and manipulation from living in a world ruled by interlopers. You are literally trained by government-run schools to be subservient and experience too many repeated failures from being judged continually and graded in an arbitrary fashion by those with authority applying external rules and standards with a one-size-fits-all approach. That is a prescription for diminishment and contributing much wounding to undermine people having many lifetimes of hardship and painful circumstances ending in misery and perceived failure. This becomes a karmic dilemma because everything that happens during your life is your responsibility to cope with, surmount, and transcend. When this does not happen, it leaves a wound, and that will have karmic consequences regardless of whether it is caused by your inattention or weakness or being overwhelmed by evil intentions of others. The sum total of all the bad things that happen will likely be much greater than the good that can bring a karmic blessing or reward of some kind. The bad things will come back around to keep challenging each person. The logic of this system is that no one gets away with anything. In an ultimate sense, sooner or later the universe requires you to rebalance what you participated in causing a misalignment. This is why the act of enlightenment, to reach a spiritual pinnacle, is primarily a healing journey, not simply a learning curve with respect to knowledge alone. Everyone is coming from behind from this backlog of unhealed trauma, and the consequences of having so many things go wrong will be the accumulation of a huge assortment of negative beliefs about all kinds of things that are deeply held, many not even in conscious awareness. These will suppress the expression of useful soul attributes like confidence, courage, and a desire to engage and spend time with others because such opportunities will trigger inner fear, doubt, and uncertainty. And that can become life limiting and lead to a downward spiral. This is how people end up turning to substance abuse or lead inefficient and ineffective lives and may end up homeless and in despair. When soul attributes become corrupted, suppressed, or unbalanced, perhaps for karmic reasons, and a person lacks certain aspects of wherewithal from the outset, they will be doomed to repeat mistakes of the past, miss opportunities, or fumble things and experience yet another failure. The only way to replace negative beliefs and modify the expression of soul attributes as a part of your nature is to receive divine intervention. Human psychology has innovated a number of therapeutic strategies designed to assist people with the process of coming into better alignment in how they think and feel, and this will help to support the good and let go of the bad. But there are severe limits on how much people can change even with the help of a skilled therapist. Much of the inner makeup is not in direct personal control of the conscious mind, and that is why divine intervention is the key. This can be requested through prayer and high-level healing requests, through the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Mind Reset protocol, to bring about a direct interplay between a human facilitator working on behalf of a person in need, as an advocate, to bring about a divine participation in a healing campaign to right the wrongs of their personal history, to remove what works against them, and add back in what is missing or suppressed in their soul attributes, to make them whole again. Given the sum total of karmic wounding from hundreds of challenging lifetimes will take some concerted time and effort to surmount, but this is not only necessary to gain inner calm and peace but to regain enough divine alignment to enable a broad Ascension to be launched. That is Creator's plan for humanity, to ascend to a higher plane of existence and leave the physical altogether. Our intention was never for you to live forever in the physical, with the constant difficulty and challenges and restrictions it represents, but only to be there long enough to solve the problem of dealing with adversity, the rise of evil in particular, and gain the wisdom from conquering these challenges so as to remain in divine alignment no matter what—that is what brings true strength, resilience, stability, and safety. When you are in divine alignment, you are impervious to harm. The way to get there is to partner with the divine at the outset of the journey. You cannot do it alone. You can call on us to help you and you must do so to get that help. Under the rules of engagement, if you do not reach out to us, we must leave you alone to honor your free will choice. There is much to do for each human being to help themselves as well as others. Those who are further along can become healers and mentors of those who are less aware and, without help, will flounder and perish. Each person will choose their destiny. That is part of the exercise underway. You are being given a call to action by GetWisdom and, if you pay attention and heed the warnings, we can assure you we are available to you at all times and, together, will not fail.