The picture is very complicated by the fact that such accounts are often resulting from disinformation. Many communications from the psychics of the Extraterrestrial Alliance are conveyed with a false attribution by saying they are Pleiadians, for example, or Arcturians, or higher vibrational advanced beings, and it will not be possible for people to know if even the original source is well-meaning. You have been given the backstory in our channelings describing that your galaxy is a testing ground for the exercise in free agency and free will. No one from higher dimensions can come in and do things unilaterally. Other than the divine realm, there is limited consulting that has been allowed, to convey some encouragement and some degree of warnings about the human dilemma, but not to alter your makeup or nature in a more profound way directly. So we see such discussions as having limited value as they are too likely to be misleading more than a benefit.
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