DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolIs it beneficial to add to the LHP a request that healing be done for periods of time when extraterrestrials time travel into the past, thereby forcing humanity to repeat prior traumas and add to karmic burdens?
Nicola Staff asked 4 months ago
Strictly speaking, this is unnecessary because it is well known to us you have this liability that is growing on a continual basis because of the maneuvering across time by the interlopers to take advantage of you. But it does not hurt to have it mentioned in the protocol for the same reason as many things have been added, because it creates greater awareness among the practitioners of what they are truly dealing with. And in the telling, and the reiteration when carrying out the protocol, this summons forth additional intention from the human side, which contributes to the energy available for the actual healing work performed by the divine realm. As you know, we do not go to the protocol wording to carry out a session. We follow what the practitioners are launching with respect to their intention, whether highly focused and intensive with great passion and dedication, or lackadaisical with mind wandering and gaps in coverage. While the pooling of intentions from multiple practitioners will help compensate for a mediocre delivery on a given occasion, the opportunity to make strides and add an intensity of focus and caring to the protocol work is missed whenever such sessions are done, simply relying on the aggregate work as a backstop. After all, there needs to be growth, not a kind of erosion of intensity over time. This is why recruiting new practitioners is always of value and for them to keep the standard of the work at the highest possible level. There is a huge backlog of unmet need awaiting your intentions, still. The issue of the time travel repeating portions of your history by default has been ever-present, and this has added significantly to the sum total of karmic negativity weighing humanity down. So this is not a small nuance needing attention but an opportunity in each and every session to maximize the gains.