Indeed, you have hit on the solution here, being that it is a viral problem. As this area of the body is under high stress routinely because of its loadbearing role, it is a kind of magnet for difficulty, especially karmic negativity and the Law of Karma may well choose that area of the body to enable some kind of problem to develop. That could include greater susceptibility to a chronic virus that might circulate at times through the blood, for example, and find a new home in the connective tissue of the heel. That is the case for you, and this is why you have been unable to find relief any other way because such insults are reinforced through cellular memory, as takes hold and keeps a kind of back-and-forth contest going, where cellular memory can recapitulate the problem even if the virus is removed by the divine realm, but not in time to heal cellular memory before it predisposes to a viral reimplantation. And vice a versa, that the virus might be delayed in its removal because of the karmic imperative underlying its presence, so nothing can be done about the cellular memory while waiting for the viral clearance, eventually. This is where the use of supplements comes in, because it will accelerate the possibility of getting healing for the consequences of the virus more quickly.
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