DWQA QuestionsCategory: Limiting BeliefsShaming seems to be the very root of much political discourse, with one side attempting to shame the other side. The negative effect of all this is that people eventually get cynical about all political discourse and will shy away from it altogether. It’s even more discouraging when the ones doing the most shaming are also the most hypocritical, and the most guilty of the behavior they are shaming the other side for. What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 2 weeks ago
We would say that much political discourse is an object lesson in how not to relate to one another. It is often an argument done with an ulterior motive, to be on the attack, to injure the other party in order to put points on the board, so to speak, and be seen as a winner, and the goal is often to be as strong, as dominant, as powerful, and to highlight as much as possible the weakness and shortcomings of the other party, to really rub their nose in it, to make everyone aware of their faults. This is the opposite of how to live in divine alignment, to "Raise up others without harm to the self." What you are describing that takes place quite routinely, is politicians going out of their way to lower others to make themselves look superior. The common practice of resorting to mudslinging, unfortunately, is often very effective in helping the one who seems to win the contest. This is a clear lesson about the low level of divine alignment of the culture which allows such things as being normal and not to be condemned and even prohibited. So the political discourse is often a good measure of the level of divine alignment more broadly among the populace in terms of what would-be leaders will resort to, and to what extent immoral conduct and manipulative behavior is condoned or even rewarded and admired by followers. There are many downsides to such conduct being exhibited as a matter of routine and even as a customary tactic used again and again to cause as much damage to political opponents as possible. This not only lowers the discourse but corrupts the very soul expression of all involved. It cheapens and devalues the meaning of your existence and who and what you represent as an extension of our consciousness. So we view this as worse than simply appealing to the lowest common denominator and taking cheap shots at a political opponent, but a diagnostic indicator of character, level of morality, and inner divinity on display or its absence. To us that is not a small thing and, as history has shown you over and over and over again, morality and character are essential to quality leadership and the progress of humanity. When reprehensible conduct is not only condoned but cheered on, something is deeply wrong. Society itself has become corrupted when such things are the norm, and this will only lead to further corruption and a lowering of standards. Indeed, it is the flight from perceived danger that causes a kind of societal surrender in turning over power and control to a centralized authority, perhaps a strong man or an imposing figure or political party vowing to fight on your behalf and keep the enemy at bay, when, in fact, being authoritarian and ruthless, such a central authority will become your worst nightmare.